1、Aiming at the incompleteness and uncertainty of the information to be appraised in appraising the quality of hydraulic excavator digger, we establish the unascertained decision model to deal with it.───针对工程机械质量评价过程中,评价信息的不完全性和不确定性,建立了处理未确知信息的未确知决策模型。
excavator digger(意思翻译)
excavator digger(相似词语短语)
1、excavator buckets───挖掘机勺斗;电铲勺斗
3、god digger───挖神者
4、digger specialties───挖掘机专业
5、excavator blippi───挖掘机blippi
6、digger vermont───佛蒙特州挖掘机
7、gold digger───n.淘金者,<俗>以色为诱惑骗取男人金钱的女人;淘金者;以美色骗取男人钱财的女人
8、excavator song───挖掘机之歌
9、digger digger───挖掘机
excavator digger(双语使用场景)
1、Aiming at the incompleteness and uncertainty of the information to be appraised in appraising the quality of hydraulic excavator digger, we establish the unascertained decision model to deal with it.───针对工程机械质量评价过程中,评价信息的不完全性和不确定性,建立了处理未确知信息的未确知决策模型。