1、Alongside the tourist shops and museums, though, stand several infamous ghost stories related to the witch trials.───除了游客商店和博物馆之外,此处还有数个与巫婆审判有关的XieE的鬼故事。
2、Today, Dutch clogs are available in many tourist shops.───今天,荷兰木鞋在许多旅游商店都有。
3、Prices may be slightly higher but the quality supercedes the tourist shops in Portugal.───价格可能略高,但质量取代旅游商店在葡萄牙。
4、There is a new hospital and airport, and tourist shops selling I-love-Aceh T-shirts.───这里有新的医院和机场,旅行商店里售卖着写有“我爱亚齐”字样的T恤衫,你感受着那些经历过灾难的人们所散发的气息,他们心中依然有爱有希望。
5、There are also tax-free tourist shops and plenty of restaurants on the trail.───沿途还有不少免税旅游商店和餐馆。
6、Avoid the tourist shops and head to a wine cellar when looking to buy port wine.───避免旅游商店和负责人到酒窖时,前来购买葡萄酒。
7、There are various kinds of souvenirs in the tourist shops.───旅游商店里有各种纪念品。
8、As the mayor ends his appeal, scenes of the beaches, fishing, tourist shops and children banging on crabs are flashed across the screen.───市长话一说完,屏幕上便闪现出海洋城的海滩、钓鱼、游客商店,以及孩子们捉螃蟹的画面。
tourist shops(英语使用场景)
1、Vincent Van Gogh's blue-eyed gaze stares out from his self-portrait. The face on the postcards can be seen all over the tourist shops that line the canals of Amsterdam.
3、The town has some lovely old buildings and museums as well as the usual tourist shops.
4、The tourist shops were full of cheap souvenirs.
5、Today, many stores have facades that look like tourist shops anyway, the goods spilling on to the sidewalks.
6、Today a whole range of half man half bird images are on sale in the island's many tourist shops along with maoi t-shirts and miniature wooden carving.
tourist shops(意思翻译)
tourist shops(相似词语短语)
1、real shops───真正的商店
2、tourist class───二等舱;经济舱位;n.二等舱,经济座; 统舱
3、tourist visa───旅游签证;旅行签证
4、tourist guide───导游
5、tourist spot───n.旅游景点
6、charity shops───慈善商店
7、outbuildings shops───附属厂房
8、tourist hotel───旅游饭店;旅游旅馆
9、accidental tourist───意外游客
tourist shops(双语使用场景)
1、Alongside the tourist shops and museums, though, stand several infamous ghost stories related to the witch trials.───除了游客商店和博物馆之外,此处还有数个与巫婆审判有关的XieE的鬼故事。
2、Today, Dutch clogs are available in many tourist shops.───今天,荷兰木鞋在许多旅游商店都有。
3、Prices may be slightly higher but the quality supercedes the tourist shops in Portugal.───价格可能略高,但质量取代旅游商店在葡萄牙。
4、There is a new hospital and airport, and tourist shops selling I-love-Aceh T-shirts.───这里有新的医院和机场,旅行商店里售卖着写有“我爱亚齐”字样的T恤衫,你感受着那些经历过灾难的人们所散发的气息,他们心中依然有爱有希望。
5、There are also tax-free tourist shops and plenty of restaurants on the trail.───沿途还有不少免税旅游商店和餐馆。
6、Avoid the tourist shops and head to a wine cellar when looking to buy port wine.───避免旅游商店和负责人到酒窖时,前来购买葡萄酒。
7、There are various kinds of souvenirs in the tourist shops.───旅游商店里有各种纪念品。
8、As the mayor ends his appeal, scenes of the beaches, fishing, tourist shops and children banging on crabs are flashed across the screen.───市长话一说完,屏幕上便闪现出海洋城的海滩、钓鱼、游客商店,以及孩子们捉螃蟹的画面。
tourist shops(英语使用场景)
1、Vincent Van Gogh's blue-eyed gaze stares out from his self-portrait. The face on the postcards can be seen all over the tourist shops that line the canals of Amsterdam.
2、Busy tourist shops sell quality leather goods, carpets and strikingly cheap cotton goods.
3、The town has some lovely old buildings and museums as well as the usual tourist shops.
4、The tourist shops were full of cheap souvenirs.
5、Today, many stores have facades that look like tourist shops anyway, the goods spilling on to the sidewalks.
6、Today a whole range of half man half bird images are on sale in the island's many tourist shops along with maoi t-shirts and miniature wooden carving.