1、This paper introduces testing system and mature CAT method of AM—500 winning machine's side through_valve.───介绍了AM— 50 0采煤机旁通阀的试验XiTong和成熟的计算机辅助测试 (C A T)方法。
2、This is the cat method, where faeces are rolled in sand or dirt next to the village.───在村边将粪便滚埋在沙里或泥土,这是猫的做法。
3、One character in eight represents 12.5% (difference is usually measured against the source phrase), so a CAT tool using this method would indicate that the similarity between the two words is 87.5%.───八个字母中取一就是 12.5%(距离通常相对短语来计算),因此采用这种方法的 CAT 工具用 87.5% 来表示这两个词之间的相似性。
cat method(意思翻译)
cat method(相似词语短语)
1、gasometric method───气体容量法,气体定量分析法
3、teaching method───教学方法;教学方式
4、evaluation method───评价法;[医]求值法
5、setter method───塞特法
6、averaging method───[数]求平均值法;均值法;平均法,均值法
7、standard method───标准方法;标准措施;标准措施,标准方法
8、stiffness method───[力]刚度法;劲度法
9、cat cat───猫猫
cat method(双语使用场景)
1、This paper introduces testing system and mature CAT method of AM—500 winning machine's side through_valve.───介绍了AM— 50 0采煤机旁通阀的试验XiTong和成熟的计算机辅助测试 (C A T)方法。
2、This is the cat method, where faeces are rolled in sand or dirt next to the village.───在村边将粪便滚埋在沙里或泥土,这是猫的做法。
3、One character in eight represents 12.5% (difference is usually measured against the source phrase), so a CAT tool using this method would indicate that the similarity between the two words is 87.5%.───八个字母中取一就是 12.5%(距离通常相对短语来计算),因此采用这种方法的 CAT 工具用 87.5% 来表示这两个词之间的相似性。