1、Cross-checking with the company's government filings.───利用目标公司向政府提交的备案文件交叉核验财务数据。
2、If you find information you are not sure about, consult other web pages to confirm the information. This is called cross-checking.───如果对找到的信息没有把握,你可以查看其他网页进行核实。这叫交叉核对。
3、Not all were what I expected and I spend a lot of time cross-checking whether the management or the financials are what they seem.───并非所有公司都符合我的预期,我花了大量时间反复核对它们的管理或财务是否表里如一。
4、corporate stakeholders, including those would like to employ our graduates, are highly welcomed to contact us for cross checking with our updated list of GLMBA graduates.───企业人士,以及希望雇佣GLMBA毕业生的各位雇主,非常欢迎您与我们联系,核对毕业生最新名单以及索取毕业生推荐信。
5、Dave said that comment was for Kerith and I as we questioned him so much for the first couple of weeks but now it is the burghers who seem to do the cross checking.───戴夫说,这个评论因为凯瑞斯和我,我们在头两周里给他带来了很多问题,但现在我们这些“自由民”看起来像是在交叉检查。
6、Fifth, to carry out unannounced visits and cross-checking, find and solve the current problems in gaming culture market.───五是开展暗访和交叉检查,发现并解决当前电玩文化市场存在的问题。
7、electronic systems for cross-checking returns will be upgraded.───反复核查收益的电子XiTong将被升级。
8、Triangulation, the practice of cross-checking findings with multiple data sources, is highly valued in qualitative research.───三角测量作为一种用大量数据对所得结果进行反复检查的方法在定性研究中非常有价值。
9、They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.───他们想确保这样的声明可以被其它记录多方核对所证实。
cross checking(意思翻译)
cross checking(相似词语短语)
1、checking in───登机手续;入住酒店
2、spot checking───现场检查;现场抽查;现场抽查,现场检查
3、in checking───受控制的;受抑制的
4、credit checking───信用调查;信贷调查
6、counter checking───银行取款单;柜台支票;对应检查;反检查
7、checking media───正在检查媒体
8、checking data───正在检查数据
9、checking fixture───检验夹具;n.检具
cross checking(双语使用场景)
1、Cross-checking with the company's government filings.───利用目标公司向政府提交的备案文件交叉核验财务数据。
2、If you find information you are not sure about, consult other web pages to confirm the information. This is called cross-checking.───如果对找到的信息没有把握,你可以查看其他网页进行核实。这叫交叉核对。
3、Not all were what I expected and I spend a lot of time cross-checking whether the management or the financials are what they seem.───并非所有公司都符合我的预期,我花了大量时间反复核对它们的管理或财务是否表里如一。
4、corporate stakeholders, including those would like to employ our graduates, are highly welcomed to contact us for cross checking with our updated list of GLMBA graduates.───企业人士,以及希望雇佣GLMBA毕业生的各位雇主,非常欢迎您与我们联系,核对毕业生最新名单以及索取毕业生推荐信。
5、Dave said that comment was for Kerith and I as we questioned him so much for the first couple of weeks but now it is the burghers who seem to do the cross checking.───戴夫说,这个评论因为凯瑞斯和我,我们在头两周里给他带来了很多问题,但现在我们这些“自由民”看起来像是在交叉检查。
6、Fifth, to carry out unannounced visits and cross-checking, find and solve the current problems in gaming culture market.───五是开展暗访和交叉检查,发现并解决当前电玩文化市场存在的问题。
7、electronic systems for cross-checking returns will be upgraded.───反复核查收益的电子XiTong将被升级。
8、Triangulation, the practice of cross-checking findings with multiple data sources, is highly valued in qualitative research.───三角测量作为一种用大量数据对所得结果进行反复检查的方法在定性研究中非常有价值。
9、They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.───他们想确保这样的声明可以被其它记录多方核对所证实。