1、This morning group had much higher levels of an enzyme in their blood that is a marker of dying heart tissue than patients whose heart attack had occurred in the evening (between 6pm and midnight).───这一早晨组病人的血液中血液酶水平要比在晚上(下午6点到午夜)发病患者的高,这是造成心肌坏死的元凶。
2、For a heart attack that might have occurred in the past, doctors look for changes on an electrocardiogram called a Q-wave, a marker for damaged tissue.───对于也许已经发生在过去的心脏病,医生寻找心电图Q波(损伤心肌的标记物)的改变。
attack marker(意思翻译)
attack marker(相似词语短语)
2、bingo marker───宾果标记
3、whiteboard marker───n.白板笔
4、dna marker───DNA标记;dna标记
5、asthma attack───哮喘发作 (Astham Attack)
6、flower marker───花标记
8、shark attack───[电影]水深火热之生化狂鲨;鲨鱼攻击;生化狂鲨(电影名)
9、erasable marker───可擦除标记
attack marker(双语使用场景)
1、This morning group had much higher levels of an enzyme in their blood that is a marker of dying heart tissue than patients whose heart attack had occurred in the evening (between 6pm and midnight).───这一早晨组病人的血液中血液酶水平要比在晚上(下午6点到午夜)发病患者的高,这是造成心肌坏死的元凶。
2、For a heart attack that might have occurred in the past, doctors look for changes on an electrocardiogram called a Q-wave, a marker for damaged tissue.───对于也许已经发生在过去的心脏病,医生寻找心电图Q波(损伤心肌的标记物)的改变。