1、It's quite clear from my visit, this is a full size, comprehensive university.───从我的访问来看,很明显这是一所规模完整的综合性大学。
2、One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years.───我来访的原因之一就是想和你们签订一项为期3年的独家代理协议。
3、On my visit to China in May, I met with leaders who, until recently, had not been willing to entertain this discussion.───在我五月访华期间,我会见了一些始终不愿安排有关减排问题讨论会的官员。
4、l believe that upon my visit to the United States l will receive the same warm reception. I do not think I will step into a minefield.───我想我这一次访问美国,也会受到同样的接待,会受到热烈的欢迎,而不是去闯“地雷阵”。
5、The purpose of my visit is to ask about the possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.───我此行的目的是想探询与贵公司建立贸易关系的可能性。
6、I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.───注意到这份报告的日期几乎是我访问前整整一年,我发起了询问。
7、These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.───在北京的这些日子是令人十分愉快的,而且我感到高兴的是,我在这一阶段的访问能够在这样意气相投的气氛中结束。
8、As always, I felt uneasy as I walked down the corridor to his room, fully aware that he might sleep well through my visit.───跟往常一样,我沿着走廊走到他的房间时还是感到忐忑不安,因为我完全知道,他很可能在我访问期间一直在睡觉。
9、At the end of my visit, I went into a sixth grade classroom where they were immersed in an English listening test.───最后,我走进了正全神贯注于英语听力测试的六年级教室。
my visit(英语使用场景)
1、Earlier in my visit I had spotted some castings on his scrap heap which I was fairly sure belonged to a turbine.
2、She insisted on him staying through my visit, and he made mincemeat of my arguments.
3、The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind.
4、On the last evening of my visit to you I was standing half-hidden in the bushes, watching the sun go down.
5、My visit coincided with particularly good September weather, after an appallingly wet summer.
6、My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me.
7、On my visit it was a Craft Fair which stretched along the island platforms adding to the interests of the visit.
8、They plied me with questions about my visit to England.
my visit(意思翻译)
my visit(相似词语短语)
1、visit my friends───拜访我的朋友
2、visit hainan───游览海南
3、recent visit───最近访问
4、coaching visit───辅导访问
5、visit museums───参观博物馆
6、visit my grandparent───去看望我的祖父母
8、visit my aunt───去看我姑妈
9、visit family───探亲
my visit(双语使用场景)
1、It's quite clear from my visit, this is a full size, comprehensive university.───从我的访问来看,很明显这是一所规模完整的综合性大学。
2、One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years.───我来访的原因之一就是想和你们签订一项为期3年的独家代理协议。
3、On my visit to China in May, I met with leaders who, until recently, had not been willing to entertain this discussion.───在我五月访华期间,我会见了一些始终不愿安排有关减排问题讨论会的官员。
4、l believe that upon my visit to the United States l will receive the same warm reception. I do not think I will step into a minefield.───我想我这一次访问美国,也会受到同样的接待,会受到热烈的欢迎,而不是去闯“地雷阵”。
5、The purpose of my visit is to ask about the possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.───我此行的目的是想探询与贵公司建立贸易关系的可能性。
6、I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit.───注意到这份报告的日期几乎是我访问前整整一年,我发起了询问。
7、These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.───在北京的这些日子是令人十分愉快的,而且我感到高兴的是,我在这一阶段的访问能够在这样意气相投的气氛中结束。
8、As always, I felt uneasy as I walked down the corridor to his room, fully aware that he might sleep well through my visit.───跟往常一样,我沿着走廊走到他的房间时还是感到忐忑不安,因为我完全知道,他很可能在我访问期间一直在睡觉。
9、At the end of my visit, I went into a sixth grade classroom where they were immersed in an English listening test.───最后,我走进了正全神贯注于英语听力测试的六年级教室。
my visit(英语使用场景)
1、Earlier in my visit I had spotted some castings on his scrap heap which I was fairly sure belonged to a turbine.
2、She insisted on him staying through my visit, and he made mincemeat of my arguments.
3、The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind.
4、On the last evening of my visit to you I was standing half-hidden in the bushes, watching the sun go down.
5、My visit coincided with particularly good September weather, after an appallingly wet summer.
6、My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me.
7、On my visit it was a Craft Fair which stretched along the island platforms adding to the interests of the visit.
8、They plied me with questions about my visit to England.
9、I was treated royally throughout my visit.