1、In a statement approved by prime minister Wen Jiabao, the state council said the dam had pressing geological, human and ecological problems.───在一项WenJiaBaoZongLi批准的声明中,GuoWuYuan表示三峡大坝面临紧急的地质、人类和生态问题。
2、Local aviation politics will play a role, and might have been behind the stand-alone announcement by the State Council on Sunday night.───地方航空政治将在其中发挥作用,而且可能已经在GuoWuYuan周日晚间单独发布的声明中发挥了作用。
3、There were few specifics but China's cabinet, the state council, admitted several problems had not been foreseen.───还有一些细节,GuoWuYuan承认有些问题是没有预见到的。
4、Other civil aircraft, the registration of which is approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.───民用航空主管部门准予登记的其他民用航空器。
5、Institutional restructuring of the State Council was basically completed and that of local governments is progressing steadily.───GuoWuYuan机构改革基本完成,地方机构改革稳步推进。
6、However, the State Council did not give any details of the level to which it would be increased.───不过,该部门并没有提及具体的提升幅度。
7、Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures.───现在,GuoWuYuan正试图通过关闭一些厂家来遏制过热的太阳能产业。
8、Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.───为了实现其职能,联邦贸易委员会拥有在联邦法院和一专门的行政法庭的立案权。
9、He is a senator of the State Council.───他是一位国会议员。
the state council(英语使用场景)
1、And throughout they dominated the State Council, the upper house endowed with effective veto powers over Duma proposals.
2、The securities regulatory authority of the State Council should audit so custody fee and operation cost during custody.
3、On Dec. 8 the State Council abolished a regulation which required public functionaries to be subjected to a security investigation.
4、The State Council are examining possibilities which are opening up in local affairs.
5、Other military installations as prescribed by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
6、Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.
7、The State Council gave the armed groups an ultimatum to lay down their arms by March 30 and to open transport routes.
8、The State Council subsequently instituted a nationwide restructuring campaign, and set a Sept. 20 deadline for clearing debt arrears between enterprises.
9、The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
the state council(意思翻译)
the state council(相似词语短语)
1、accession council───登基会议
2、charred council───烧焦的议会
3、council house───(英国市、镇、郡等)地方当局营造的简易住宅
4、council flat───地方政府出租的住房;公营公寓
5、school council───学校理事会
6、legislative council───立法委员会(英国议会上院)
7、council tax───n.(英国的)家庭税; 议会税;n.(英国的)家庭税;议会税
9、the state───公家;官面儿;国家
the state council(双语使用场景)
1、In a statement approved by prime minister Wen Jiabao, the state council said the dam had pressing geological, human and ecological problems.───在一项WenJiaBaoZongLi批准的声明中,GuoWuYuan表示三峡大坝面临紧急的地质、人类和生态问题。
2、Local aviation politics will play a role, and might have been behind the stand-alone announcement by the State Council on Sunday night.───地方航空政治将在其中发挥作用,而且可能已经在GuoWuYuan周日晚间单独发布的声明中发挥了作用。
3、There were few specifics but China's cabinet, the state council, admitted several problems had not been foreseen.───还有一些细节,GuoWuYuan承认有些问题是没有预见到的。
4、Other civil aircraft, the registration of which is approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.───民用航空主管部门准予登记的其他民用航空器。
5、Institutional restructuring of the State Council was basically completed and that of local governments is progressing steadily.───GuoWuYuan机构改革基本完成,地方机构改革稳步推进。
6、However, the State Council did not give any details of the level to which it would be increased.───不过,该部门并没有提及具体的提升幅度。
7、Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures.───现在,GuoWuYuan正试图通过关闭一些厂家来遏制过热的太阳能产业。
8、Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.───为了实现其职能,联邦贸易委员会拥有在联邦法院和一专门的行政法庭的立案权。
9、He is a senator of the State Council.───他是一位国会议员。
the state council(英语使用场景)
1、And throughout they dominated the State Council, the upper house endowed with effective veto powers over Duma proposals.
2、The securities regulatory authority of the State Council should audit so custody fee and operation cost during custody.
3、On Dec. 8 the State Council abolished a regulation which required public functionaries to be subjected to a security investigation.
4、The State Council are examining possibilities which are opening up in local affairs.
5、Other military installations as prescribed by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
6、Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.
7、The State Council gave the armed groups an ultimatum to lay down their arms by March 30 and to open transport routes.
8、The State Council subsequently instituted a nationwide restructuring campaign, and set a Sept. 20 deadline for clearing debt arrears between enterprises.
9、The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.