1、Try not to bottle up your emotions.───尽量不要压抑自己的情感。
2、Allow them to express: Most teenage behaviour problems are a result of bottle up feelings and emotions and your teenager's inability to express their feelings, without being criticised.───允许他们表达:大多数青少年行为问题最多的感受和情绪,你的孩子的无法表达自己的感情瓶结果没有被批评。
bottle up your emotions(意思翻译)
bottle up your emotions(相似词语短语)
1、uncontrolled emotions───失控的情绪
3、up your───举起你的手
4、bottling up emotions───压抑情绪
6、your up───你的上半身
7、emotions feature───情感特征
8、bottle it up───压抑(情绪)
9、bottle up───隐藏,克制;装入瓶中控制,严密封锁;克制; 遏制; 抑制; 约束
bottle up your emotions(双语使用场景)
1、Try not to bottle up your emotions.───尽量不要压抑自己的情感。
2、Allow them to express: Most teenage behaviour problems are a result of bottle up feelings and emotions and your teenager's inability to express their feelings, without being criticised.───允许他们表达:大多数青少年行为问题最多的感受和情绪,你的孩子的无法表达自己的感情瓶结果没有被批评。
bottle up your emotions(英语使用场景)
1、Try not to bottle up your emotions.