1、Mullah Nasruddin had saved up to buy a new shirt.───毛拉纳西鲁丁节省了购买一台新衬衣。
2、So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.───所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。
3、One time, I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me.───有一次,我给他念纳斯鲁丁毛拉的故事,他让我停下来。
mullah nasruddin(英语使用场景)
1、One time, I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me.
mullah nasruddin(意思翻译)
mullah nasruddin(相似词语短语)
1、mullah───n.毛拉 (Yi Si Lan)
mullah nasruddin(双语使用场景)
1、Mullah Nasruddin had saved up to buy a new shirt.───毛拉纳西鲁丁节省了购买一台新衬衣。
2、So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.───所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。
3、One time, I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me.───有一次,我给他念纳斯鲁丁毛拉的故事,他让我停下来。
mullah nasruddin(英语使用场景)
1、One time, I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me.