1、As you have been told many, many times over the last decade, your world is evolving to the next level of existence.───由于你们被告知了很多了,在上个世纪许多次,你们的世界在进化进入下一阶段的水平。
2、Over the last decade, the idea of a "Chinese slowdown" has come to seem like an oxymoron.───过去10年里,“中国放缓”这个概念似乎已变成一个矛盾措辞。
3、In many parts of China, one of the costs of fast economic growth over the last decade has been damage to the environment and to wildlife.───在过去的10年里,由于高速发展经济而付出的巨大代价之一就是环境的PoHuai和野生动物的灭绝,这发生在中国的大部分地区。
4、Over the last decade, auto theft has increased by over 56 percent.───过去的10年来汽车盗窃案上升了56%以上。
5、Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.───这一领域的技术经过过去十年的发展已经相当完善。
6、If we had to raise revenues, it's fair to ask those of us in high-income groups, who got the primary benefit of growth over the last decade.───如果我们确实需要增加财政收入,公平的做法就是拿我们这样的高收入群体开刀,他们在过去10年中是经济发展的主要受益者。
7、Over the last decade, we have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times.───过去10年来,我们为战争投入了一万亿美元,同时,我们的债台不断高筑,经济遇到困难。
8、tourism of Linyi has seen a rapid growth over the last decade. Now it's the 2nd most visited city in Shandong Province.───过去的十年里,临沂的旅游业已经实现了快速发展,现在它是山东参观人数第二多的城市。
9、In fact, volunteers have little idea how much their painstaking efforts over the last decade have touched Gansu's people.───其实志工们自己不知道的,在甘肃十年奔波,也撼动了甘肃上上下下人心。
over the last decade(英语使用场景)
1、Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.
2、He's been on several shuttle missions over the last decade.
3、Rights issues have become increasingly unpopular over the last decade or so.
4、Laser surgery has become much more refined over the last decade.
5、Computer hacking has become very widespread over the last decade.
6、But over the last decade there has been a rapid acceleration in this type of transaction.
7、The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade.
8、Over the last decade three quarters of the increase in part-time work has been involuntary.
9、The network was upgraded several times over the last decade to accommodate the increasing demand.
over the last decade(意思翻译)
over the last decade(相似词语短语)
1、decade dog───十年狗
2、the over───结束
3、decade definition───十年定义
4、over the over───一个接一个
6、next decade───今后的十年
7、decade synonym───十年同义词
8、the last───最后的;最后一个;最后的,最后一个
9、over the───越过
over the last decade(双语使用场景)
1、As you have been told many, many times over the last decade, your world is evolving to the next level of existence.───由于你们被告知了很多了,在上个世纪许多次,你们的世界在进化进入下一阶段的水平。
2、Over the last decade, the idea of a "Chinese slowdown" has come to seem like an oxymoron.───过去10年里,“中国放缓”这个概念似乎已变成一个矛盾措辞。
3、In many parts of China, one of the costs of fast economic growth over the last decade has been damage to the environment and to wildlife.───在过去的10年里,由于高速发展经济而付出的巨大代价之一就是环境的PoHuai和野生动物的灭绝,这发生在中国的大部分地区。
4、Over the last decade, auto theft has increased by over 56 percent.───过去的10年来汽车盗窃案上升了56%以上。
5、Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.───这一领域的技术经过过去十年的发展已经相当完善。
6、If we had to raise revenues, it's fair to ask those of us in high-income groups, who got the primary benefit of growth over the last decade.───如果我们确实需要增加财政收入,公平的做法就是拿我们这样的高收入群体开刀,他们在过去10年中是经济发展的主要受益者。
7、Over the last decade, we have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times.───过去10年来,我们为战争投入了一万亿美元,同时,我们的债台不断高筑,经济遇到困难。
8、tourism of Linyi has seen a rapid growth over the last decade. Now it's the 2nd most visited city in Shandong Province.───过去的十年里,临沂的旅游业已经实现了快速发展,现在它是山东参观人数第二多的城市。
9、In fact, volunteers have little idea how much their painstaking efforts over the last decade have touched Gansu's people.───其实志工们自己不知道的,在甘肃十年奔波,也撼动了甘肃上上下下人心。
over the last decade(英语使用场景)
1、Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.
2、He's been on several shuttle missions over the last decade.
3、Rights issues have become increasingly unpopular over the last decade or so.
4、Laser surgery has become much more refined over the last decade.
5、Computer hacking has become very widespread over the last decade.
6、But over the last decade there has been a rapid acceleration in this type of transaction.
7、The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade.
8、Over the last decade three quarters of the increase in part-time work has been involuntary.
9、The network was upgraded several times over the last decade to accommodate the increasing demand.