1、People doing paper work or operating computer often, their eyesight will be easy to wear out and even fall down.───做文字工作或经常Cao作电脑的人,容易视力疲劳甚至下降。
2、water resistance is poorer, coating in the long run, tunnel in damp environment, water, or even fall off.───耐水性较差,涂层长期处于隧道的潮湿环境中,会积水、甚至脱落。
3、It's a trend that clearly has legs into summer and even fall.───这一潮流必将席卷今夏、甚至今秋。
4、Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.───第二副图中的司机在这场“灾难”中都睡着了。
5、Some will even fall a distance so great they may not be able to get up after they hit the ground.───甚至有些人在摔倒地上后再也无法站起来重新攀爬。
6、a few rich people are falling into the middle class, or may even fall into the poor class. . . there is mobility.───一些富人衰败成中产阶级,甚或掉到贫穷之境……有流动性。
7、In the car at high speed, very easy to loose bolts and nuts and even fall off, causing traffic accidents.───在汽车高速行驶时,螺栓螺母很容易松动乃至脱落,从而引发行车事故。
8、Indeed , the ratio did not even fall back to its long- term average of 3 . 3 (the data was first compiled in 1983 ).───事实上,此比率甚至没有跌回到3。3的长期平均水平(此数据是在1983年第一次开始收集的)
even fall(英语使用场景)
1、The cat may even fall into a deep coma.
2、If refinery operations smooth out, gas prices could remain stable or even fall.
3、Depending on the calendar, it falls on different dates and can even fall on the same day as Easter.
even fall(意思翻译)
even fall(相似词语短语)
1、getting even───报复;扯平;算帐
2、even offer───甚至提供
3、could even───甚至可以
5、fall───n. (Fall)(西)法勒(人名);v.落下;跌倒;下垂;跪下;(地面)向下倾斜;(数量等的)减少;(雨或雪)降落;沦陷;阵亡;进入(某状态);突然来到;n.落下;跌倒;(雪、岩石等的)降落;(数量等的)减少;秋季;垮台、衰败
6、even you───即使是你
7、even worse───更糟的是;更坏
8、even those───即使……
9、even up───(使)相等; 匀; 取齐; 找齐;平均,拉平;扯平,使相等
even fall(双语使用场景)
1、People doing paper work or operating computer often, their eyesight will be easy to wear out and even fall down.───做文字工作或经常Cao作电脑的人,容易视力疲劳甚至下降。
2、water resistance is poorer, coating in the long run, tunnel in damp environment, water, or even fall off.───耐水性较差,涂层长期处于隧道的潮湿环境中,会积水、甚至脱落。
3、It's a trend that clearly has legs into summer and even fall.───这一潮流必将席卷今夏、甚至今秋。
4、Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.───第二副图中的司机在这场“灾难”中都睡着了。
5、Some will even fall a distance so great they may not be able to get up after they hit the ground.───甚至有些人在摔倒地上后再也无法站起来重新攀爬。
6、a few rich people are falling into the middle class, or may even fall into the poor class. . . there is mobility.───一些富人衰败成中产阶级,甚或掉到贫穷之境……有流动性。
7、In the car at high speed, very easy to loose bolts and nuts and even fall off, causing traffic accidents.───在汽车高速行驶时,螺栓螺母很容易松动乃至脱落,从而引发行车事故。
8、Indeed , the ratio did not even fall back to its long- term average of 3 . 3 (the data was first compiled in 1983 ).───事实上,此比率甚至没有跌回到3。3的长期平均水平(此数据是在1983年第一次开始收集的)
even fall(英语使用场景)
1、The cat may even fall into a deep coma.
2、If refinery operations smooth out, gas prices could remain stable or even fall.
3、Depending on the calendar, it falls on different dates and can even fall on the same day as Easter.