6、battle of midway───中途岛战役(1942年6月3—5日日本与美国发生的一次海战)
7、a battle of───战争
8、battle of saratoga───萨拉托加战役
9、battle of waterloo───滑铁卢战役
battle of survival(双语使用场景)
1、Hundreds of Tuareg fighters stood by him as his regime fought a losing battle for survival.───的生存之战中,几百名柏柏尔族战士站在了他的一方。
2、As little as a battle between single ants of an ant hill is essential for survival, just so little is this the case with the individual members of a human community.───正如蚁冢中单个蚂蚁之间的战争对于生存没有什么根本意义一样,人类社会中个体成员之间的斗争也是如此。
3、Hoth, the Imperials used rumors of Bail Organa's survival in the shielded Chambers of the Royal Palace to lure Leia Organa into a trap.───霍斯战役开战前不久,帝国散布流言,说贝尔·奥加纳躲在王宫里有护罩保护的房间内幸存了下来,借此陷阱引诱莱娅·奥加纳。
battle of survival(意思翻译)
battle of survival(相似词语短语)
2、battle of rose───玫瑰战役
3、siege survival───围攻生存
5、survival skill───生存技能
6、battle of midway───中途岛战役(1942年6月3—5日日本与美国发生的一次海战)
7、a battle of───战争
8、battle of saratoga───萨拉托加战役
9、battle of waterloo───滑铁卢战役
battle of survival(双语使用场景)
1、Hundreds of Tuareg fighters stood by him as his regime fought a losing battle for survival.───的生存之战中,几百名柏柏尔族战士站在了他的一方。
2、As little as a battle between single ants of an ant hill is essential for survival, just so little is this the case with the individual members of a human community.───正如蚁冢中单个蚂蚁之间的战争对于生存没有什么根本意义一样,人类社会中个体成员之间的斗争也是如此。
3、Hoth, the Imperials used rumors of Bail Organa's survival in the shielded Chambers of the Royal Palace to lure Leia Organa into a trap.───霍斯战役开战前不久,帝国散布流言,说贝尔·奥加纳躲在王宫里有护罩保护的房间内幸存了下来,借此陷阱引诱莱娅·奥加纳。