1、intrinsic ballistic transportation of electrons in nano-tube makes it possible for antennas consisting of nano-tube array to radiate with higher efficiency.───纳米管内电子运动固有的弹道输运效应,使得纳米管阵列天线具有辐射效率高的优点。
2、study of micromachined gyroscope based on MEMS in the paper have important reference value and application foreground in rising ballistic correction's accuracy and efficiency.───论文基于MEMS技术的微机械陀螺的研究,对于提高弹道修正的精度和效率具有重要的参考价值和应用前景。
3、Objective To explore the efficiency of the treatment of the urinary calculi which remained after the ballistic lithotripsy combined with ureterorenoscopy and the decoction to remove the calculi.───目的探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术后配合中药排石汤治疗降低术后残留结石的有效性。
ballistic efficiency(意思翻译)
ballistic efficiency(相似词语短语)
1、bicycling efficiency───自行车效率
2、allocation efficiency───配置效率;[财]分配效能
4、fostering efficiency───培养效率
5、coulombic efficiency───库仑效率
6、ballistic knife───弹道刀
7、basement efficiency───单间配套的地下公寓房
8、ballistic advantage───弹道优势
9、efficiency wage───计件工资,效率工资;效率工资;计件工资
ballistic efficiency(双语使用场景)
1、intrinsic ballistic transportation of electrons in nano-tube makes it possible for antennas consisting of nano-tube array to radiate with higher efficiency.───纳米管内电子运动固有的弹道输运效应,使得纳米管阵列天线具有辐射效率高的优点。
2、study of micromachined gyroscope based on MEMS in the paper have important reference value and application foreground in rising ballistic correction's accuracy and efficiency.───论文基于MEMS技术的微机械陀螺的研究,对于提高弹道修正的精度和效率具有重要的参考价值和应用前景。
3、Objective To explore the efficiency of the treatment of the urinary calculi which remained after the ballistic lithotripsy combined with ureterorenoscopy and the decoction to remove the calculi.───目的探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术后配合中药排石汤治疗降低术后残留结石的有效性。