1、Since there isn't a general computer vision detection technology, it must take different way to different situation.───由于没有一种通用的计算机视觉检测技术,所以要针对具体情况设定不同的检测方法。
2、A general computer system is basically built with a motherboard , interface cards and peripherals.───一个一般计算机XiTong用主板、界面卡和外围设备基本上建立。
3、As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.───久而久之,一般的电脑故障我也能手到病除了。
4、In general, computer systems should be updated to reflect the new DST rules.───通常,需要更新计算机XiTong来反映新的DST规定。
5、Graph Process Unit(GPU) usually adopts a pipelined architecture, and implements some general computer graphics API.───图形处理器 (G P U)通常采用流水线体系结构,遵循通用图形接口规范。
6、s: In general computer applications, networking is growing at an astonishing speed of its impact on every aspect of our social life.───论文摘要:在计算机普遍应用的今天,网络正以其惊人的发展速度影响着我们社会生活的方方面面。
8、As microprocessor core is a general computer components, it is still known as the CNC.───由于微处理器是通用计算机的核心部件,故仍称为计算机数控。
9、development of embedded system is obviously different with the one of general computer system.───嵌入式XiTong开发与通用计算机XiTong开发相比,具有明显不同的特点。
general computer(英语使用场景)
1、Let us first take a look at what we have to define a general computer software: Software is in the computer hardware based on the hardware performance of the expansion and improvement.
2、As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.
3、In general, computer jobs pay good wages.
4、Based on the general computer system software, the research and practice on ABC95 Array Computer system software are explored in this paper.
5、The system optimization software already became general computer user essential helper now.
6、The authors discuss the technical implement of general computer telephony platform.
general computer(意思翻译)
general computer(相似词语短语)
1、general condition───一般情况;一般条件条款
2、inspector general───n.检查长,监察长; 总监;n.监察长;检查长;视察团主任
3、computer games───n.计算机模拟( computer game的名词复数 );电脑游戏(computergame的复数形式)
4、electronic computer───电子计算机;电脑;电子计算机; 电脑
5、general practitioners───全科医生;一般科医师;n.全科医师( general practitioner的名词复数 )
6、discriminating general───鉴别将军
7、computer hardware───计算机的硬件;[计]计算机硬件,电脑硬件;硬件
8、general───n. (General)(英)杰纳勒尔(人名);adj.一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的;n.一般;将军,上将;常规
general computer(双语使用场景)
1、Since there isn't a general computer vision detection technology, it must take different way to different situation.───由于没有一种通用的计算机视觉检测技术,所以要针对具体情况设定不同的检测方法。
2、A general computer system is basically built with a motherboard , interface cards and peripherals.───一个一般计算机XiTong用主板、界面卡和外围设备基本上建立。
3、As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.───久而久之,一般的电脑故障我也能手到病除了。
4、In general, computer systems should be updated to reflect the new DST rules.───通常,需要更新计算机XiTong来反映新的DST规定。
5、Graph Process Unit(GPU) usually adopts a pipelined architecture, and implements some general computer graphics API.───图形处理器 (G P U)通常采用流水线体系结构,遵循通用图形接口规范。
6、s: In general computer applications, networking is growing at an astonishing speed of its impact on every aspect of our social life.───论文摘要:在计算机普遍应用的今天,网络正以其惊人的发展速度影响着我们社会生活的方方面面。
7、General computer skill, primary English.───初级电脑Cao作,初级英语。
8、As microprocessor core is a general computer components, it is still known as the CNC.───由于微处理器是通用计算机的核心部件,故仍称为计算机数控。
9、development of embedded system is obviously different with the one of general computer system.───嵌入式XiTong开发与通用计算机XiTong开发相比,具有明显不同的特点。
general computer(英语使用场景)
1、Let us first take a look at what we have to define a general computer software: Software is in the computer hardware based on the hardware performance of the expansion and improvement.
2、As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.
3、In general, computer jobs pay good wages.
4、Based on the general computer system software, the research and practice on ABC95 Array Computer system software are explored in this paper.
5、The system optimization software already became general computer user essential helper now.
6、The authors discuss the technical implement of general computer telephony platform.