1、In rich countries there are now roughly four workers for every pensioner. By 2050 there will be little more than two.───如今在发达国家,每个老人大约由四个工作者抚养,到2050年将减少至两个。
2、An FMS generally needs about three or four workers per shift to load and unload parts, change tools, and perform general maintenance.───一个FMSXiTong每个班次需三、四个工人来装卸零件、更换刀具和进行一般性维护。
3、Tepco said four workers at the site were injured in the explosion.───东京电力公司称,四名在现场员工在爆炸中受伤。
4、The explosion at the No. 1 plant's No. 1 reactor about 3: 40pm local time injured four workers and vented radioactive material into the air.───当地时间3点40分,福岛第一核电站一号反应堆发生爆炸,4名工人受伤,放射性物质已扩散进入空气中。
5、The four workers, reported to be members of Rio 's iron ore sales team, were detained for questioning on Sunday.───据报道,这四名员工是力拓铁矿石销售团队成员,他们在上周日遭到拘留并接受问话。
6、In 2007 one in every four workers in Australia was born abroad; in 2008 that share rose further, to 26.5%.───澳大利亚在2007年每4个劳动力就有1个外国出生的人口;在2008年这一比重进一步加大,达到26.5%。
7、One of every three or four workers was looking for a job in nineteen thirty-two.───每三,四个工人之一是寻找一个在一九三二年工作。
8、He and his partner laid off four workers, asked the remaining ones to work overtime and froze wages.───他和他的合伙人解雇了4名工人,要求其余的人加班加点并冰冻结了工资。
four workers(英语使用场景)
1、If the weekly wage were £15, however, the firm would employ four workers.
2、That leaves Mr Hamed and his four workers idle much of the time, but they are fortunate compared to others.
3、Rescuers cut through a filtration tank filled with dense fish feces to reach four workers who fell into the sludgy dung on May 11 while cleaning the 5.49m tank at a farm in western Massachusetts, USA.
4、Four workers at the Reston facility, though exposed to the virus, never became ill, and the monkeys were destroyed.
5、Firefighters work to reach four workers trapped inside a collapsed hillside lime kiln, used to produce quicklime , a key ingredient in mortar and other compounds.
four workers(意思翻译)
four workers(相似词语短语)
1、essential workers───基本工人
3、joy workers───快乐工作者
4、fellow workers───工友
5、skilled workers───技术工人;技工;能工巧匠
6、shift workers───按班轮换的工人
8、farm workers───[农经]农场工人
9、enabling workers───使能工人
four workers(双语使用场景)
1、In rich countries there are now roughly four workers for every pensioner. By 2050 there will be little more than two.───如今在发达国家,每个老人大约由四个工作者抚养,到2050年将减少至两个。
2、An FMS generally needs about three or four workers per shift to load and unload parts, change tools, and perform general maintenance.───一个FMSXiTong每个班次需三、四个工人来装卸零件、更换刀具和进行一般性维护。
3、Tepco said four workers at the site were injured in the explosion.───东京电力公司称,四名在现场员工在爆炸中受伤。
4、The explosion at the No. 1 plant's No. 1 reactor about 3: 40pm local time injured four workers and vented radioactive material into the air.───当地时间3点40分,福岛第一核电站一号反应堆发生爆炸,4名工人受伤,放射性物质已扩散进入空气中。
5、The four workers, reported to be members of Rio 's iron ore sales team, were detained for questioning on Sunday.───据报道,这四名员工是力拓铁矿石销售团队成员,他们在上周日遭到拘留并接受问话。
6、In 2007 one in every four workers in Australia was born abroad; in 2008 that share rose further, to 26.5%.───澳大利亚在2007年每4个劳动力就有1个外国出生的人口;在2008年这一比重进一步加大,达到26.5%。
7、One of every three or four workers was looking for a job in nineteen thirty-two.───每三,四个工人之一是寻找一个在一九三二年工作。
8、He and his partner laid off four workers, asked the remaining ones to work overtime and froze wages.───他和他的合伙人解雇了4名工人,要求其余的人加班加点并冰冻结了工资。
four workers(英语使用场景)
1、If the weekly wage were £15, however, the firm would employ four workers.
2、That leaves Mr Hamed and his four workers idle much of the time, but they are fortunate compared to others.
3、Rescuers cut through a filtration tank filled with dense fish feces to reach four workers who fell into the sludgy dung on May 11 while cleaning the 5.49m tank at a farm in western Massachusetts, USA.
4、Four workers at the Reston facility, though exposed to the virus, never became ill, and the monkeys were destroyed.
5、Firefighters work to reach four workers trapped inside a collapsed hillside lime kiln, used to produce quicklime , a key ingredient in mortar and other compounds.