try and stop me(意思翻译)
try and stop me(相似词语短语)
1、try and try hard───努力吧
2、can stop me───能阻止我吗
3、stop and go───走走停停的;走一点就要停下来的;定期不断BeiPo停止的;信号管制的;[体]快速起动和急停
4、try me───[用于表示自己可能会做出使人意想不到或不大可能的事情来]你来试试看吧;尝试我(歌名)
5、try me try try───试试我试试试试
6、try and try───试啊试啊
7、stop stop stop───停,停,停
8、cant stop me───阻止不了我
9、try me on───试穿一下
try and stop me(双语使用场景)
1、Now I am gone, just try and stop me, now.───现在我要走了,请试图留住我,就现在。
2、I'll be there by your side; just you try and stop me───我将一直在你身边,只有你可以阻止我
3、try and stop me , " she muttered as she cut the three knights down" .───“试试阻止我,”她边嘟囔着边砍倒了三名骑士。
4、Why didn't someone try and stop me?───为什么当时没人试着阻止我?
5、Dont try and stop me.───别想阻止我。
6、I'm leaving don't try and stop me NO───我要离开了,不要阻拦我
7、Every time I speak, you try and stop me───每次当我想开口,你总是会想办法阻止我
8、so try and stop me───你不妨试试阻止我
try and stop me(英语使用场景)
1、Whilst I was in Holloway, my probation officer sorted out something to try and stop me getting a prison sentence.
2、I was legally old enough to smoke, so, I thought, just try and stop me!
try and stop me(意思翻译)
try and stop me(相似词语短语)
1、try and try hard───努力吧
2、can stop me───能阻止我吗
3、stop and go───走走停停的;走一点就要停下来的;定期不断BeiPo停止的;信号管制的;[体]快速起动和急停
4、try me───[用于表示自己可能会做出使人意想不到或不大可能的事情来]你来试试看吧;尝试我(歌名)
5、try me try try───试试我试试试试
6、try and try───试啊试啊
7、stop stop stop───停,停,停
8、cant stop me───阻止不了我
9、try me on───试穿一下
try and stop me(双语使用场景)
1、Now I am gone, just try and stop me, now.───现在我要走了,请试图留住我,就现在。
2、I'll be there by your side; just you try and stop me───我将一直在你身边,只有你可以阻止我
3、try and stop me , " she muttered as she cut the three knights down" .───“试试阻止我,”她边嘟囔着边砍倒了三名骑士。
4、Why didn't someone try and stop me?───为什么当时没人试着阻止我?
5、Dont try and stop me.───别想阻止我。
6、I'm leaving don't try and stop me NO───我要离开了,不要阻拦我
7、Every time I speak, you try and stop me───每次当我想开口,你总是会想办法阻止我
8、so try and stop me───你不妨试试阻止我
try and stop me(英语使用场景)
1、Whilst I was in Holloway, my probation officer sorted out something to try and stop me getting a prison sentence.
2、I was legally old enough to smoke, so, I thought, just try and stop me!