1、If your social life leaves something to be desired, it might be your brain structure that's to blame.───如果你的社交生活不尽人意,那可能得怪你的大脑结构。
2、Work in a little hope that the editorial department and want to find their desired life, but suddenly discovered one day everything is nothing.───工作在一个没有什么希望的编辑部,想要寻找自己想要的生活,但有一天突然发现一切都是虚无。
3、package provides the life cycle scripts to install our WASCE image to the desired location, to install the EAR or WAR file, and to start the server.───软件包提供将wasce镜像安装到所需位置,安装ear或war文件并启动服务器所需的生命周期脚本。
desired life(意思翻译)
desired life(相似词语短语)
1、desired location───预定位置
2、job desired───所需工作
3、if desired───若需要
4、desired position───求职意向;理想位置
6、despised and desired───鄙视和渴望
7、desired rate───期望速率
9、desired result───预期的结果;希望达到的结果;效验
desired life(双语使用场景)
1、If your social life leaves something to be desired, it might be your brain structure that's to blame.───如果你的社交生活不尽人意,那可能得怪你的大脑结构。
2、Work in a little hope that the editorial department and want to find their desired life, but suddenly discovered one day everything is nothing.───工作在一个没有什么希望的编辑部,想要寻找自己想要的生活,但有一天突然发现一切都是虚无。
3、package provides the life cycle scripts to install our WASCE image to the desired location, to install the EAR or WAR file, and to start the server.───软件包提供将wasce镜像安装到所需位置,安装ear或war文件并启动服务器所需的生命周期脚本。