1、from door to door───挨家挨户地;自始至终地;adv.挨家挨户地; 沿门挨户; 挨门挨户
2、actuating door───Cao纵门
4、door to door service───门到门运输;[经] SongHuoShangMen服务;FuWuShangMen
5、red door───红门
6、door to door───挨家挨户;门到门
7、vi door───vi门
8、door phone───n.门口机;门铃电话
9、sex door───性门
house door(双语使用场景)
1、Button button is to close fine house door, wear a beautiful hat, be equal to the housetop oneself to be decorated anew.───扣好扣子是关好屋门,戴上一顶漂亮的帽子,等于将自己的屋顶修饰一新。
2、Silently open visitor house door, inside of the light be unexpectedly opening.───悄悄打开宾馆房门,里面的灯竟然是开着的。
3、So one night he invented a pseudonym, disguised his handwriting and slipped an essay under the printing-house door.───因此Franklin在晚上悄悄地把乔饰了笔迹的文章塞到印刷厂的门缝里。
4、Some house door numbers are like that as well.───一些房子的门牌号码也是这样的。
5、Sometimes I really want to help him clean the house, but each time standing in his house door, all dare not go in.───有时候我真的很想帮他打扫一下房屋,但每次站在他家的门口,都不敢进去。
6、On reaching home, he found the house door half open.───到家时,他发现房子的门半开着。
7、He thought for a long time, finally take mincing steps into his son 's house door.───他考虑了好久,终于扭扭捏捏的来到他儿子家的门前。
8、thus she conducted him by the arm to the stone bridge in front of their residence , crossing which they stood at the manor - house door.───她就这样拉着他的胳膊,走过他们屋前的石桥,只要走过桥他们就到了家门口了。
9、Long, long ago, a man found a very big bell tied to a house door.───很久以前有一个人。一次他看见人家大门上挂着一个很大的铃铛,就想把它偷来。
house door(英语使用场景)
1、She went through the house door leading into the garage, seized a rake and plunged into the cold wind.
2、He paused only to shake the wet from his shoulders, then trod up the slippery slope to the house door.
3、She pushed it open; it was an old wooden house door drooping on one hinge.
4、The house door was ajar, too; light entered from its unclosed windows; Hindley had come out, and stood on the kitchen hearth, haggard and drowsy.
5、Nowhere to run to if he were attacked, no house door to duck into.
house door(意思翻译)
house door(相似词语短语)
1、from door to door───挨家挨户地;自始至终地;adv.挨家挨户地; 沿门挨户; 挨门挨户
2、actuating door───Cao纵门
4、door to door service───门到门运输;[经] SongHuoShangMen服务;FuWuShangMen
5、red door───红门
6、door to door───挨家挨户;门到门
7、vi door───vi门
8、door phone───n.门口机;门铃电话
9、sex door───性门
house door(双语使用场景)
1、Button button is to close fine house door, wear a beautiful hat, be equal to the housetop oneself to be decorated anew.───扣好扣子是关好屋门,戴上一顶漂亮的帽子,等于将自己的屋顶修饰一新。
2、Silently open visitor house door, inside of the light be unexpectedly opening.───悄悄打开宾馆房门,里面的灯竟然是开着的。
3、So one night he invented a pseudonym, disguised his handwriting and slipped an essay under the printing-house door.───因此Franklin在晚上悄悄地把乔饰了笔迹的文章塞到印刷厂的门缝里。
4、Some house door numbers are like that as well.───一些房子的门牌号码也是这样的。
5、Sometimes I really want to help him clean the house, but each time standing in his house door, all dare not go in.───有时候我真的很想帮他打扫一下房屋,但每次站在他家的门口,都不敢进去。
6、On reaching home, he found the house door half open.───到家时,他发现房子的门半开着。
7、He thought for a long time, finally take mincing steps into his son 's house door.───他考虑了好久,终于扭扭捏捏的来到他儿子家的门前。
8、thus she conducted him by the arm to the stone bridge in front of their residence , crossing which they stood at the manor - house door.───她就这样拉着他的胳膊,走过他们屋前的石桥,只要走过桥他们就到了家门口了。
9、Long, long ago, a man found a very big bell tied to a house door.───很久以前有一个人。一次他看见人家大门上挂着一个很大的铃铛,就想把它偷来。
house door(英语使用场景)
1、She went through the house door leading into the garage, seized a rake and plunged into the cold wind.
2、He paused only to shake the wet from his shoulders, then trod up the slippery slope to the house door.
3、She pushed it open; it was an old wooden house door drooping on one hinge.
4、The house door was ajar, too; light entered from its unclosed windows; Hindley had come out, and stood on the kitchen hearth, haggard and drowsy.
5、Nowhere to run to if he were attacked, no house door to duck into.