1、But they wanted to pinpoint the precise factor in curcumin, which is a complex compound.───但他们想查明姜黄素中确切的成分,因为姜黄素是一类混合成分。
2、You and the man dragged the complex compound, the is depend on you in this life you have.───你和这个人分分复复,说明这个人就是你这辈子的依靠。
3、The chemical property of gadolinium is more stable and safer than that of boron, because gadolinium tracer stays as a complex compound.───在化学性质方面,钆示踪剂以络合物的形式存在,比硼有更强的稳定性和安全性。
4、In this paper, the stability constant of unstable complex compound is measured by spectrophotometry.───采用分光光度法对该不稳定络合物的稳定常数进行了测定。
5、The possibilities of formation of complex compound between divalent iodates have been studied.───对二价碘酸盐之间形成复盐的可能性也进行了探讨。
6、This paper reports on oscillatory reaction using alcohol--n--butyl acetate as organic complex compound.───本文报导了乙醇-乙酸丁酯为复合有机底物的化学振荡反应。
7、An additive for lubricants including a dispersible metal complex compound containing phosphorus and nitrogen.───一种添加剂,包括分散的金属配合物含有磷和氮润滑剂。
8、Silver amine complex compound impregnated on the carrier decomposed more easily, and sintering of silver particles was somewhat retarded.───浸渍在其上的银胺络合物更易于分解,负载银催化剂的银粒烧结得到一定程度抑制。
9、They also run applications to create and modify complex (compound) documents for use both within and outside their company.───他们还通过运行应用程序创建和修改复杂的(复合)文档,这些文档可以在公司内部和外部使用。
complex compound(英语使用场景)
1、This complex compound consists of a co-ordination compound containing a fatty acid residue and at most one RCOO group per two metal atoms.
2、METHOD:To utilize the reaction of ciprofloxacin lactate and 2.4 dinitroresorcinol to form the charge transfer complex compound that was measured by UV spectrophotometry.
3、The medication's active ingredient is colchicine, a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale).
4、The hydrazide chelate complex compound is represented by the general formula (1) below.
5、As shown by the experimental results, a complex compound was formed between MB and SDS leading to change of color, and the color-change reaction was affected obviously by the addition of ethanol.
6、Thereinto ion trap mass spectrograph is a new development of the technology, which can do multi-stage MS analysis, and do useful to a qualitative analysis of complex compound.
7、The possibilities of formation of complex compound between divalent iodates have been studied.
complex compound(意思翻译)
complex compound(相似词语短语)
2、complex idea───复杂的想法
3、palatial compound───腭复合体
4、superiority complex───优越感;自尊情结;过于自尊;n.至尊情结,优越感,过于自尊心
6、patching compound───修补混合料
7、complex number───[数]复数
8、buffing compound───磨光剂;抛光剂
9、complex sentence───复杂句
complex compound(双语使用场景)
1、But they wanted to pinpoint the precise factor in curcumin, which is a complex compound.───但他们想查明姜黄素中确切的成分,因为姜黄素是一类混合成分。
2、You and the man dragged the complex compound, the is depend on you in this life you have.───你和这个人分分复复,说明这个人就是你这辈子的依靠。
3、The chemical property of gadolinium is more stable and safer than that of boron, because gadolinium tracer stays as a complex compound.───在化学性质方面,钆示踪剂以络合物的形式存在,比硼有更强的稳定性和安全性。
4、In this paper, the stability constant of unstable complex compound is measured by spectrophotometry.───采用分光光度法对该不稳定络合物的稳定常数进行了测定。
5、The possibilities of formation of complex compound between divalent iodates have been studied.───对二价碘酸盐之间形成复盐的可能性也进行了探讨。
6、This paper reports on oscillatory reaction using alcohol--n--butyl acetate as organic complex compound.───本文报导了乙醇-乙酸丁酯为复合有机底物的化学振荡反应。
7、An additive for lubricants including a dispersible metal complex compound containing phosphorus and nitrogen.───一种添加剂,包括分散的金属配合物含有磷和氮润滑剂。
8、Silver amine complex compound impregnated on the carrier decomposed more easily, and sintering of silver particles was somewhat retarded.───浸渍在其上的银胺络合物更易于分解,负载银催化剂的银粒烧结得到一定程度抑制。
9、They also run applications to create and modify complex (compound) documents for use both within and outside their company.───他们还通过运行应用程序创建和修改复杂的(复合)文档,这些文档可以在公司内部和外部使用。
complex compound(英语使用场景)
1、This complex compound consists of a co-ordination compound containing a fatty acid residue and at most one RCOO group per two metal atoms.
2、METHOD:To utilize the reaction of ciprofloxacin lactate and 2.4 dinitroresorcinol to form the charge transfer complex compound that was measured by UV spectrophotometry.
3、The medication's active ingredient is colchicine, a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale).
4、The hydrazide chelate complex compound is represented by the general formula (1) below.
5、As shown by the experimental results, a complex compound was formed between MB and SDS leading to change of color, and the color-change reaction was affected obviously by the addition of ethanol.
6、Thereinto ion trap mass spectrograph is a new development of the technology, which can do multi-stage MS analysis, and do useful to a qualitative analysis of complex compound.
7、The possibilities of formation of complex compound between divalent iodates have been studied.