1、About one in six people surveyed said if their remote control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.───大约每六个受访者中有一个表示,如果他们的遥控坏了,他们将继续看同样的频道,而不是站起来。
2、But when the same channel level when there are multiple intermediaries, channel conflict is often unavoidable.───但是当同一渠道层次中有多个中间商时,渠道冲突往往难以避免。
3、It travels down the same channel and causes a second return stroke.───它沿着同样的通道向下传播,并且激发了一次长达一秒的回击。
4、we're on the same channel as this live stream.───我们将在同一频道现场直播。
5、Shows the number of other users subscribed to the same channel.───显示订阅相同频道的其他用户数量。
6、So it might not be prudent to try to do asynchronous invocations in the same channel.───因此尝试在同一个通道中执行异步调用可能不够审慎。
7、Two-way transports can send and receive messages using the same channel.───双向传输可以使用同一个通道发送和接收消息。
8、The results show that the number of neighbours in a same channel is close to the ideal neighbour number.───分析表明:同一频道上邻居节点的数目接近理想邻居节点数目;
9、To transfer data from a container to another container in the same channel or different channel, use the MOVE CONTAINER API.───要在相同的管道中将数据从一个容器传输到另一个容器或将数据传输到另一个管道中的容器,使用MOVECONTAINERAPI。
same channel(英语使用场景)
1、There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation.
2、The MU886 system uses Time Division Duplexing (TDD) technique to transmit and receive on the same channel.
same channel(意思翻译)
same channel(相似词语短语)
1、can channel───can通道
2、dummies channel───傻瓜频道
3、criterion channel───标准通道
4、furring channel───副龙骨(用来支撑造型、固定结构的一种建筑材料);轻钢龙骨(用来支撑造型、固定结构的一种建筑材料)
5、same same───相同的
6、sanskrit channel───梵语通道
9、weather channel───天气频道
same channel(双语使用场景)
1、About one in six people surveyed said if their remote control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.───大约每六个受访者中有一个表示,如果他们的遥控坏了,他们将继续看同样的频道,而不是站起来。
2、But when the same channel level when there are multiple intermediaries, channel conflict is often unavoidable.───但是当同一渠道层次中有多个中间商时,渠道冲突往往难以避免。
3、It travels down the same channel and causes a second return stroke.───它沿着同样的通道向下传播,并且激发了一次长达一秒的回击。
4、we're on the same channel as this live stream.───我们将在同一频道现场直播。
5、Shows the number of other users subscribed to the same channel.───显示订阅相同频道的其他用户数量。
6、So it might not be prudent to try to do asynchronous invocations in the same channel.───因此尝试在同一个通道中执行异步调用可能不够审慎。
7、Two-way transports can send and receive messages using the same channel.───双向传输可以使用同一个通道发送和接收消息。
8、The results show that the number of neighbours in a same channel is close to the ideal neighbour number.───分析表明:同一频道上邻居节点的数目接近理想邻居节点数目;
9、To transfer data from a container to another container in the same channel or different channel, use the MOVE CONTAINER API.───要在相同的管道中将数据从一个容器传输到另一个容器或将数据传输到另一个管道中的容器,使用MOVECONTAINERAPI。
same channel(英语使用场景)
1、There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation.
2、The MU886 system uses Time Division Duplexing (TDD) technique to transmit and receive on the same channel.