1、They insist the lake will attract migratory birds, stimulate biodiversity and make flowers and plants bloom in a country that is 80% desert.───他们坚持认为,这个人工湖将能吸引各类候鸟,促进生物多样化,并且使这个80%的土地为沙漠的国家花卉盛开、绿意盎然。
2、Make Flowers of Scientific and Technological Innovation Blossom Everywhere───让科技创新之花遍地开放
3、Sitting down the whole afternoon to make flowers only makes me tired and exhausted at the end of the day.───整个下午坐着弄花朵只会使我在剩下的时间感到疲惫不堪。
4、make flowers blooming before their time───让花在花期前盛开
5、Make flowers of ideals blossom everywhere.───让理想之花遍地开放。
6、It's three in the afternoon. The children how make flowers .───现在是下午三点。孩子们在美术课上学做纸花。
make flowers(意思翻译)
make flowers(相似词语短语)
1、cuckoo flowers───杜鹃花
2、florage flowers───花期花
3、ranunculaceae flowers───毛茛科花
4、wow flowers───哇花
6、watering flowers───浇花
7、leek flowers───韭菜花
8、play flowers───玩花
9、pressed flowers───压花
make flowers(双语使用场景)
1、They insist the lake will attract migratory birds, stimulate biodiversity and make flowers and plants bloom in a country that is 80% desert.───他们坚持认为,这个人工湖将能吸引各类候鸟,促进生物多样化,并且使这个80%的土地为沙漠的国家花卉盛开、绿意盎然。
2、Make Flowers of Scientific and Technological Innovation Blossom Everywhere───让科技创新之花遍地开放
3、Sitting down the whole afternoon to make flowers only makes me tired and exhausted at the end of the day.───整个下午坐着弄花朵只会使我在剩下的时间感到疲惫不堪。
4、make flowers blooming before their time───让花在花期前盛开
5、Make flowers of ideals blossom everywhere.───让理想之花遍地开放。
6、It's three in the afternoon. The children how make flowers .───现在是下午三点。孩子们在美术课上学做纸花。