1、Delivery time needs 7 full working days from date of payment confirmation.───送货服务需时7个工作天,于确认付款当日起计算。
2、No app needs to be open and they will see a payment confirmation and get transaction details on their phone.───不需打开任何应用程序,用户就可以在手机上收到支付确认信息和交易详情。
3、This could be due to any change made in the shopping cart before payment confirmation was received.───这可能是由于在购物车付款前确认收到了任何变化。
4、This could be due to any change made in the shopping cart before payment confirmation was received.───这可能是由于在购物车中的任何更改之前收到付款确认。
5、Please let me know if you need anything else and also forward payment confirmation when available.───请告知是否还需要别的信息,并把付款信息转发给我。
6、Your Ticket Pickup Code will be provided by Telephone or Email following Payment Confirmation.───付款确认后会以电话或电邮通知取票号码
7、I have made the transfer to you and i hope you have gotten the payment Confirmation Notification from my bank. . .───我已经转账给你,我希望你已经收到银行的确认通知单。
8、You will receive a register info upon payment confirmation.───完成付款后,你将收到一封邮件,包含注册码等注册信息。
9、The Seller shall deliver the product within three business days from the date when the payment confirmation is received by the Seller.───乙方接到甲方货款付款确认当日起,于三个工作日内交付本产品予甲方。
payment confirmation(意思翻译)
payment confirmation(相似词语短语)
1、confirmation instructions───保兑指示
3、authorship confirmation───作者身份确认
5、confirmation letter───确认信函;确认书
6、submission confirmation───提交确认
7、order confirmation───[经] 确认定单,证实定单
8、delivery confirmation───确认发送
9、written confirmation───书面凭证;书面证明
payment confirmation(双语使用场景)
1、Delivery time needs 7 full working days from date of payment confirmation.───送货服务需时7个工作天,于确认付款当日起计算。
2、No app needs to be open and they will see a payment confirmation and get transaction details on their phone.───不需打开任何应用程序,用户就可以在手机上收到支付确认信息和交易详情。
3、This could be due to any change made in the shopping cart before payment confirmation was received.───这可能是由于在购物车付款前确认收到了任何变化。
4、This could be due to any change made in the shopping cart before payment confirmation was received.───这可能是由于在购物车中的任何更改之前收到付款确认。
5、Please let me know if you need anything else and also forward payment confirmation when available.───请告知是否还需要别的信息,并把付款信息转发给我。
6、Your Ticket Pickup Code will be provided by Telephone or Email following Payment Confirmation.───付款确认后会以电话或电邮通知取票号码
7、I have made the transfer to you and i hope you have gotten the payment Confirmation Notification from my bank. . .───我已经转账给你,我希望你已经收到银行的确认通知单。
8、You will receive a register info upon payment confirmation.───完成付款后,你将收到一封邮件,包含注册码等注册信息。
9、The Seller shall deliver the product within three business days from the date when the payment confirmation is received by the Seller.───乙方接到甲方货款付款确认当日起,于三个工作日内交付本产品予甲方。