1、A recent Obama TV ad says McCain is attacking him to distract voters' attention away from the economic crisis.───最近的一个奥巴马竞选电视广告说,麦凯恩通过攻击他转移选民对经济危机的注意力。
2、It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riff on an old TV ad and shout "Calm down, dear, " at a female Labour MP.───卡梅伦最近在愉悦别人的冲动驱使下,即兴模仿一个老电视广告,对一位工党女议员大喊“亲爱的,冷静。”
3、seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of $100,000.───电视广告宣传能把$100000基本用光。
4、Nissan's strategy is one example of a slow but steady recovery in TV ad spending, which has been hammered by the dot-com bust and recession.───电视广告投入的恢复虽然缓慢但却稳步向前,日产公司的战略便是一个例子,此前广告业因互联网的一蹶不振和经济衰退而备受打击。
5、Check this out! (Check it out! ) I just now got a call asking about the TV ad I put in the newspapers.───告诉你!我刚刚接到一通询问有关我放在报纸上的那个电视机机出让广告。
6、My TV AD carried a genuine apology for real mistakes.───我的电视宣传片传达了我为我确实犯过的错误所做的真诚道歉。
7、Dulux dog made its debut in the company's first TV AD in 1961.───多乐士狗在该公司的第一部电视广告中首次亮相。
8、I also hit back with a TV ad that began by asking people if they'd seen White's ad and actually showing a few seconds of it.───我还制作了一个广告进行反击,先是询问选民是否看过怀特的广告,并播放了其中的一小段。
9、and that John's open personality suggested he might be a candidate for making a commercial TV ad.───而且他开朗的性格也可能使他成为一位电视广告的候选人。
tv ad(英语使用场景)
1、A very interesting TV AD for a consumer loan promotion.
2、The Cypher TV ad starts with a man slumped in a chair and asks, How big is the world?
3、Can the eye baby - sitter in TV ad treat myopia really?
4、It has recently launched a highly acclaimed TV ad campaign.
5、Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect.
6、This is no different than putting a TV ad on ABC -- it's just going where the eyeballs are, said Steve Rubel, senior VP at Edelman Digital.
7、On the other hand, a TV ad showing Julie, who lost 142 pounds, didn't work as a 2-minute spot even though it did quite well as a 30-minute infomercial.
8、A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £50,000.
tv ad(意思翻译)
tv ad(相似词语短语)
1、dramatization ad───戏剧化广告
2、way ad───路标
4、detailer ad───细节广告
5、ad d───vt.增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和;n.加法,加法运算;vi.加;增加;加起来;做加法
6、ac ad───abbr.专科院校,学院(academy)
7、weekly ad───每周广告
8、bace ad───使残废
9、pavilions ad───展馆广告
tv ad(双语使用场景)
1、A recent Obama TV ad says McCain is attacking him to distract voters' attention away from the economic crisis.───最近的一个奥巴马竞选电视广告说,麦凯恩通过攻击他转移选民对经济危机的注意力。
2、It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riff on an old TV ad and shout "Calm down, dear, " at a female Labour MP.───卡梅伦最近在愉悦别人的冲动驱使下,即兴模仿一个老电视广告,对一位工党女议员大喊“亲爱的,冷静。”
3、seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of $100,000.───电视广告宣传能把$100000基本用光。
4、Nissan's strategy is one example of a slow but steady recovery in TV ad spending, which has been hammered by the dot-com bust and recession.───电视广告投入的恢复虽然缓慢但却稳步向前,日产公司的战略便是一个例子,此前广告业因互联网的一蹶不振和经济衰退而备受打击。
5、Check this out! (Check it out! ) I just now got a call asking about the TV ad I put in the newspapers.───告诉你!我刚刚接到一通询问有关我放在报纸上的那个电视机机出让广告。
6、My TV AD carried a genuine apology for real mistakes.───我的电视宣传片传达了我为我确实犯过的错误所做的真诚道歉。
7、Dulux dog made its debut in the company's first TV AD in 1961.───多乐士狗在该公司的第一部电视广告中首次亮相。
8、I also hit back with a TV ad that began by asking people if they'd seen White's ad and actually showing a few seconds of it.───我还制作了一个广告进行反击,先是询问选民是否看过怀特的广告,并播放了其中的一小段。
9、and that John's open personality suggested he might be a candidate for making a commercial TV ad.───而且他开朗的性格也可能使他成为一位电视广告的候选人。
tv ad(英语使用场景)
1、A very interesting TV AD for a consumer loan promotion.
2、The Cypher TV ad starts with a man slumped in a chair and asks, How big is the world?
3、Can the eye baby - sitter in TV ad treat myopia really?
4、It has recently launched a highly acclaimed TV ad campaign.
5、Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect.
6、This is no different than putting a TV ad on ABC -- it's just going where the eyeballs are, said Steve Rubel, senior VP at Edelman Digital.
7、On the other hand, a TV ad showing Julie, who lost 142 pounds, didn't work as a 2-minute spot even though it did quite well as a 30-minute infomercial.
8、A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £50,000.