8、plus───adj.(用于数字后表数量大)余;零上;好的;略高于 (A B);正电的;conj.(非正式)而且,另外;加;n. (Plus)(印、巴、法)普卢斯(人名);prep.加;和;(温度)零上;n.优势;加号;加法;附加额
9、carpets plus───地毯加
up plus(双语使用场景)
1、He chose six Liverpool players in his starting line-up - plus Kevin Keegan, who had just left Merseyside for SV Hamburg.───他挑选了6名利物浦的队员作为他的先发,加上凯文基冈,当时他刚离开默西塞德郡转会到汉堡SV队。
2、extend your lashes up plus 60% length as if by magic!───长防水睫毛膏更加魔法般延展睫毛,睫毛增长达60%。
3、The center's Shop with Your Doc program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.───该中心的“与你的医生一起购物”计划将医生派到杂货店,与注册该服务的病人见面,并与带着疑问又碰巧在附近的顾客见面。
4、The committee is made up of two co-ordinators and a number of committee members, plus several hundred raggies .───该委员会由两名协调员和一些委员会成员,以及数百名“亲密朋友”组成。
5、In terms of authoring options, you can use XAML mark-up only, mark-up plus code or code - only.───在创建方式的选择方面,你可以用纯XAML标记、标记加代码或者纯代码。
up plus(英语使用场景)
1、L'Extreme WP can extend your lashes up plus 60 % length as if by magic!
2、In the autumn, a reaper was not to be hired for less than eightpence [a day, 50-75% up], plus his meals.
up plus(意思翻译)
up plus(相似词语短语)
1、plus pandas───熊猫套餐
2、plus prep───加上准备
3、plus pro───plus专业版
4、festal plus───盛宴
5、water plus───水加
6、analyzer plus───分析器增强版
7、space plus───space plus公司
8、plus───adj.(用于数字后表数量大)余;零上;好的;略高于 (A B);正电的;conj.(非正式)而且,另外;加;n. (Plus)(印、巴、法)普卢斯(人名);prep.加;和;(温度)零上;n.优势;加号;加法;附加额
9、carpets plus───地毯加
up plus(双语使用场景)
1、He chose six Liverpool players in his starting line-up - plus Kevin Keegan, who had just left Merseyside for SV Hamburg.───他挑选了6名利物浦的队员作为他的先发,加上凯文基冈,当时他刚离开默西塞德郡转会到汉堡SV队。
2、extend your lashes up plus 60% length as if by magic!───长防水睫毛膏更加魔法般延展睫毛,睫毛增长达60%。
3、The center's Shop with Your Doc program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.───该中心的“与你的医生一起购物”计划将医生派到杂货店,与注册该服务的病人见面,并与带着疑问又碰巧在附近的顾客见面。
4、The committee is made up of two co-ordinators and a number of committee members, plus several hundred raggies .───该委员会由两名协调员和一些委员会成员,以及数百名“亲密朋友”组成。
5、In terms of authoring options, you can use XAML mark-up only, mark-up plus code or code - only.───在创建方式的选择方面,你可以用纯XAML标记、标记加代码或者纯代码。
up plus(英语使用场景)
1、L'Extreme WP can extend your lashes up plus 60 % length as if by magic!
2、In the autumn, a reaper was not to be hired for less than eightpence [a day, 50-75% up], plus his meals.