1、Yours is as good as new, but I forgot the burn and the tear in mine.───你的就跟新的一样,我倒忘了我那件给烧坏了,而且还裂了个口子。
2、If you do not see an option for New Burn Folder, you are probably running Snow Leopard.───如果您没有看到一个新的刻录文件夹选项,您可能运行雪豹。
3、Practical running shows that new burn inspector can replace traditional method of burn inspection completely because of its simple operation and high dependability.───经样机试验表明,采用涡流电导率原理的烧伤检测仪具有Cao作简单、检测结果准确可靠的特点,完全可取代传统的烧伤检测方法。
new burn(意思翻译)
n. (Newburn)人名;(英)纽伯恩
new burn(相似词语短语)
1、burn calories───燃烧卡路里;消耗体内的热量
2、scalds burn───烫伤烧伤
3、desquamation burn───脱皮烧伤
4、burn slow───慢烧
5、burn coal───烧煤
6、burn───vt.燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起……的愤怒;vi.燃烧;烧毁;发热;n.灼伤,烧伤;烙印;n.烧伤,烫伤; 烫痕; 溪流;n. (Burn)(英)伯恩(人名);v.燃烧; 烧毁; 烧焦; 烧伤,晒伤; 发烫; 发光; 脸红; 有强烈的情感; 飞驰; 激怒; 刻录
7、chinese burn───中国烧
8、cigarette burn───香烟灼伤
9、burn up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒;烧毁,烧尽
new burn(双语使用场景)
1、Yours is as good as new, but I forgot the burn and the tear in mine.───你的就跟新的一样,我倒忘了我那件给烧坏了,而且还裂了个口子。
2、If you do not see an option for New Burn Folder, you are probably running Snow Leopard.───如果您没有看到一个新的刻录文件夹选项,您可能运行雪豹。
3、Practical running shows that new burn inspector can replace traditional method of burn inspection completely because of its simple operation and high dependability.───经样机试验表明,采用涡流电导率原理的烧伤检测仪具有Cao作简单、检测结果准确可靠的特点,完全可取代传统的烧伤检测方法。