1、Vuitton, for instance, would doubtless like to see disposals of weaker brands as a result of the crisis, and a greater concentration of resources on the group's key businesses.───个例子,毫无疑问,VUITTON期待这场危机能淘汰掉一些薄弱的品牌,让资源能更集中在集团的核心业务上。
2、We all know that, as a long-range shooting-type occupations, in the usual role-playing, the concentration is a very key word.───我们都知道,作为一个远程的射击型职业,在通常的角色扮演中,“集中”都是一个很关键的词。
concentration key(意思翻译)
concentration key(相似词语短语)
2、concentration camps───n.集中营( concentration camp的名词复数 )
3、concentration formula───浓度公式
4、concentration ratio───集中度;浓度比率
5、concentration units───浓缩装置
7、high concentration───高浓度,高强度
8、impurity concentration───[电子]杂质浓度
9、concentration curl───[体]单臂哑铃弯举
concentration key(双语使用场景)
1、Vuitton, for instance, would doubtless like to see disposals of weaker brands as a result of the crisis, and a greater concentration of resources on the group's key businesses.───个例子,毫无疑问,VUITTON期待这场危机能淘汰掉一些薄弱的品牌,让资源能更集中在集团的核心业务上。
2、We all know that, as a long-range shooting-type occupations, in the usual role-playing, the concentration is a very key word.───我们都知道,作为一个远程的射击型职业,在通常的角色扮演中,“集中”都是一个很关键的词。
3、Know concentration is key.───要明白,专注是最重要的。