1、Marcus : We were jamming all day. It sure takes it out of you.───马卡斯:我们整天在制果酱,这工作实在使人疲乏。
2、Marcus has been really mean to me today.───马库斯今天确实一直对我不友好。
3、Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.───斯佩罗正在缩减开支,她不再去内曼•马库斯百货公司,而是去位于克利夫兰郊区家中附近的迪拉德百货公司购物。
4、marcus aurelius , enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous , is not an attractive figure.───马史奥理略制定了好的法律,以为这样可以成为一个有德行的人,但他并没有成为一个有吸引力的人物。
5、It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he realizes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona.───威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。
6、If you think Senator Marcus is going to be leverage, he's not.───如果你把Marcus议员作为你行动的手段,你不会得逞的。
7、She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.───她认为马库斯具有她所期望的品质。
8、As Marcus instructs his companions to leave, an elderly woman (Jane Alexander) insists they stay long enough to feed the girl.───随着马库斯指示同伴离开,一名老年妇女(简亚历山大)坚持他们多留一段日子,饲料女孩。
9、When somebody knocked AT the door and asked if Mr. Marcus was in, John got the wind up. He though it was the police!───当有人敲门问马库斯是否在家里,约翰吓了一大跳,他以为是JingCha来了!
1、Is it true that Rachel and Marcus have been carrying on ?
1、Marcus : We were jamming all day. It sure takes it out of you.───马卡斯:我们整天在制果酱,这工作实在使人疲乏。
2、Marcus has been really mean to me today.───马库斯今天确实一直对我不友好。
3、Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.───斯佩罗正在缩减开支,她不再去内曼•马库斯百货公司,而是去位于克利夫兰郊区家中附近的迪拉德百货公司购物。
4、marcus aurelius , enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous , is not an attractive figure.───马史奥理略制定了好的法律,以为这样可以成为一个有德行的人,但他并没有成为一个有吸引力的人物。
5、It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he realizes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona.───威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。
6、If you think Senator Marcus is going to be leverage, he's not.───如果你把Marcus议员作为你行动的手段,你不会得逞的。
7、She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.───她认为马库斯具有她所期望的品质。
8、As Marcus instructs his companions to leave, an elderly woman (Jane Alexander) insists they stay long enough to feed the girl.───随着马库斯指示同伴离开,一名老年妇女(简亚历山大)坚持他们多留一段日子,饲料女孩。
9、When somebody knocked AT the door and asked if Mr. Marcus was in, John got the wind up. He though it was the police!───当有人敲门问马库斯是否在家里,约翰吓了一大跳,他以为是JingCha来了!
1、Is it true that Rachel and Marcus have been carrying on ?