1、of anger expressed mainly by jobless or ill-paid youths in the port of Sohar left at least one person dead; some reports put the toll as high as six.───怒火喷发主要由失业或欠债的年青人在苏哈尔港口表达,造成至少一人丧生;有些报导的伤亡数字高达六人。
2、He most likely looked for a dead port on the hub and plugged his laptop in with a packet sniffer installed on it, which promiscuously picks up traffic on a network segment.───他很有可能寻找集线器上的一个死端口,然后插上安装了包嗅探器的笔记本电脑,该嗅探器可以不加选择地拾取网段上的通信量。
3、When she plugs the cable back in, the link light does not come back on suggesting that this is a dead port.───当她将电缆插回去时,链路灯还是不亮,这意味着这是一个死端口。
dead port(英语使用场景)
1、He most likely looked for a dead port on the hub and plugged his laptop in with a packet sniffer installed on it, which promiscuously picks up traffic on a network segment.
dead port(意思翻译)
dead port(相似词语短语)
1、disembarkation port───离港
2、loire port───卢瓦尔港
4、flapping port───拍打口
6、discharging port───卸货港口
7、baggy port───袋装港口
8、amberes port───安贝雷斯港
9、teamster port───teamster港口
dead port(双语使用场景)
1、of anger expressed mainly by jobless or ill-paid youths in the port of Sohar left at least one person dead; some reports put the toll as high as six.───怒火喷发主要由失业或欠债的年青人在苏哈尔港口表达,造成至少一人丧生;有些报导的伤亡数字高达六人。
2、He most likely looked for a dead port on the hub and plugged his laptop in with a packet sniffer installed on it, which promiscuously picks up traffic on a network segment.───他很有可能寻找集线器上的一个死端口,然后插上安装了包嗅探器的笔记本电脑,该嗅探器可以不加选择地拾取网段上的通信量。
3、When she plugs the cable back in, the link light does not come back on suggesting that this is a dead port.───当她将电缆插回去时,链路灯还是不亮,这意味着这是一个死端口。
dead port(英语使用场景)
1、He most likely looked for a dead port on the hub and plugged his laptop in with a packet sniffer installed on it, which promiscuously picks up traffic on a network segment.