1、Read the form of a document control point and the image point coordinates.───以文件形式读取控制点和像点坐标。,Photogrammetryprofessional。
2、That is , a plane refracting surface does not image all rays from a point object at the same image point .───就是说,平面折射面并不能将来自点物的所有光线都成象于同一家点。
3、Estimate fingerprint image point Orient field and block Orient field, then binarize the fingerprint image based on its block Orient field.───指纹图像进行点方向场和块方向场估计,并根据估计的块方向场对指纹图像进行二值化处理。
4、cutting two-valued extraction result of the territorial waters original image point target through simple threshold values.───通过简单阈值分割给出海域原图像点目标的二值化提取结果。
5、For aerial photograph pair, the Orthophotomap of the image - overlapped region can be made by calculating directly spot height at image point.───对于航摄像对,可以直接通过像对解算像点的地面点高程,进而制作影像重叠区的正射影像。
6、Finally, an optimization method for reaching at an image point at an arbitrary wavelength is given.───基于上述原理,提出了一种非中心波长下变周期光栅“象点”位置的优化设计方法。
7、A photograph transmitted by radio waves, each image point being reproduced by a received electric impulse.───无线电传真通过无线电波传送的照片,图像上的点由接收到的每一个电脉冲重新合成
8、Absrtact: Using stereo matching technique and the image point distance information can make the three-dimensional representation possible.───摘要:应用立体匹配技术,通过像点获取景物的距离信息,使得三维立体再现成为可能。
9、The matching of image point correspondences is one basic problem in computer vision, which is also a core problem.───对应点匹配是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题,也是一个核心问题。
image point(英语使用场景)
1、The image formula for a prism is given for a narrow bundle of rays from an object point to an image point, and the image pictures are drawn by computer for some given conditions.
2、Centroid algorithm is a high accuracy method of locate the image point on CCD. But large amount of data need handling, which makes it difficulty to meet the demand of high respondency and real-time.
3、The deviation value of light-ray from transmission path and image point is obtained by using light-ray refractive theory.
image point(意思翻译)
image point(相似词语短语)
1、nostril image───鼻孔图像
2、toothwort image───牙苔图像
3、blastomere image───卵裂球象
4、plumule image───胚芽象
7、blundered image───错误的形象
8、ophicleide image───蛇床子像
9、conceive image───构思形象
image point(双语使用场景)
1、Read the form of a document control point and the image point coordinates.───以文件形式读取控制点和像点坐标。,Photogrammetryprofessional。
2、That is , a plane refracting surface does not image all rays from a point object at the same image point .───就是说,平面折射面并不能将来自点物的所有光线都成象于同一家点。
3、Estimate fingerprint image point Orient field and block Orient field, then binarize the fingerprint image based on its block Orient field.───指纹图像进行点方向场和块方向场估计,并根据估计的块方向场对指纹图像进行二值化处理。
4、cutting two-valued extraction result of the territorial waters original image point target through simple threshold values.───通过简单阈值分割给出海域原图像点目标的二值化提取结果。
5、For aerial photograph pair, the Orthophotomap of the image - overlapped region can be made by calculating directly spot height at image point.───对于航摄像对,可以直接通过像对解算像点的地面点高程,进而制作影像重叠区的正射影像。
6、Finally, an optimization method for reaching at an image point at an arbitrary wavelength is given.───基于上述原理,提出了一种非中心波长下变周期光栅“象点”位置的优化设计方法。
7、A photograph transmitted by radio waves, each image point being reproduced by a received electric impulse.───无线电传真通过无线电波传送的照片,图像上的点由接收到的每一个电脉冲重新合成
8、Absrtact: Using stereo matching technique and the image point distance information can make the three-dimensional representation possible.───摘要:应用立体匹配技术,通过像点获取景物的距离信息,使得三维立体再现成为可能。
9、The matching of image point correspondences is one basic problem in computer vision, which is also a core problem.───对应点匹配是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题,也是一个核心问题。
image point(英语使用场景)
1、The image formula for a prism is given for a narrow bundle of rays from an object point to an image point, and the image pictures are drawn by computer for some given conditions.
2、Centroid algorithm is a high accuracy method of locate the image point on CCD. But large amount of data need handling, which makes it difficulty to meet the demand of high respondency and real-time.
3、The deviation value of light-ray from transmission path and image point is obtained by using light-ray refractive theory.