1、For example, material that may be appropriate for inclusion in a documentary about racism may not be appropriate in football commentary.───举例来说,适合在有关种族主义的纪录片中播放的内容,可能并不适合在足球评论中播放。
2、Let's listen to the radio commentary on the football match.───咱们听听收音机有关足球赛的解说吧。
3、Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.───雷蒙德·格伦丹宁在对足球比赛进行实况报道时,具有能记住每一位选手姓名的非凡才能。
football commentary(意思翻译)
football commentary(相似词语短语)
1、deflagrate football───放气足球
3、watch football───看足球
4、running commentary───n.当场连续评述;n.现场评述,实况报道,实况转播
5、commentary magazine───评论杂志
6、wisconsin football───威斯康星州足球
8、commentary bible───评注圣经
9、commentary definition───评注定义
football commentary(双语使用场景)
1、For example, material that may be appropriate for inclusion in a documentary about racism may not be appropriate in football commentary.───举例来说,适合在有关种族主义的纪录片中播放的内容,可能并不适合在足球评论中播放。
2、Let's listen to the radio commentary on the football match.───咱们听听收音机有关足球赛的解说吧。
3、Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.───雷蒙德·格伦丹宁在对足球比赛进行实况报道时,具有能记住每一位选手姓名的非凡才能。