1、With a slow shutter speed on his camera and a bag of light painting tricks, Gilliver paints new images on the silent, stony backdrop of Channel Island of Guernsey.───并采用低速快门的拍摄手法和一组光画技巧,于是在寂静、满是石块的格恩西岛海峡上格列佛绘出了新的图景。
2、When a slow shutter speed has been set, use a tripod to prevent camera shake.───当您使用较慢的快门速度时,为防止相机摇晃,请使用三脚架。
3、The shutter speed is drastically reduced by the camera in that position. In fact, it may be so slow that the subjects will be blurred if they move.───但这是有代价的,快门速度明显被放慢了,可能会慢到照片因为拍摄对象移动而变模糊。
slow shutter camera(意思翻译)
slow shutter camera(相似词语短语)
1、copal shutter───copal百叶窗
2、remote shutter───遥控快门
3、shutter island───禁闭岛(电影名);[电影]禁闭岛; 孤岛疑云
5、shutter movie───快门式电影
6、shutter doors───百叶窗
8、rolling shutter───滚动式帘子;卷帘百页
9、slow slow───慢点慢点
slow shutter camera(双语使用场景)
1、With a slow shutter speed on his camera and a bag of light painting tricks, Gilliver paints new images on the silent, stony backdrop of Channel Island of Guernsey.───并采用低速快门的拍摄手法和一组光画技巧,于是在寂静、满是石块的格恩西岛海峡上格列佛绘出了新的图景。
2、When a slow shutter speed has been set, use a tripod to prevent camera shake.───当您使用较慢的快门速度时,为防止相机摇晃,请使用三脚架。
3、The shutter speed is drastically reduced by the camera in that position. In fact, it may be so slow that the subjects will be blurred if they move.───但这是有代价的,快门速度明显被放慢了,可能会慢到照片因为拍摄对象移动而变模糊。