1、Socrates sleeps by him during the war, becomes enamored with him and saves him on the battlefield.───在战争期间苏格拉底就睡在他的旁边,并在战场上救了他。
2、Unfortunately, he becomes so enamored with details that the result is like reading about Walt through a tea strainer.───不幸的是,他如此迷恋细节,结果使得读者像在过滤茶叶一样过滤着沃尔特迪斯尼。
3、Also, if you're as enamored with tree houses as we are, check out our list of 10 amazing tree house designs.───还有,如果你想我们一样迷恋这些小树屋,你可以去看看我们列出的10佳树屋设计哟。
4、Overly nice guys are too enamored with trying to get everyone involved.───滥好人都太执着于试图让每个人都参与进来。
5、"There's nothing salacious in them. They're 30-year-old letters written by a man enamored with a young lady. " Carroll said.───卡罗尔说:“信中没有任何低俗的内容,只是一个30岁的年轻人写给心上人的信。”
6、Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?───作为一个公司,它能这样专注于算法和结构研究,并且让用户来掌控吗?
7、Not everyone is as enamored with design as designers are. I know, I know.───并不是所有人都像设计师一样崇拜设计的,停!
8、Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?───一个公司,它能这样专注于算法和结构研究,并且让用户来掌控吗?
9、They're 30-year-old letters written by a man enamored with a young lady, " Carroll said. " There's nothing provocative in them.───卡罗尔说:“信中没有任何低俗的内容,只是一个30岁的年轻人写给心上人的信,也没有TiaoDou性的内容,只是小伙子写给心爱姑NiangDe浪漫情书。”
enamored with(英语使用场景)
1、I am especially enamored with the new Drivers Assistance Package.
2、Many Chinese have become more enamored with corporate executives than revolutionaries.
3、I'm not too enamored with the idea of spending a whole day with him.
4、It could become so enamored with quantity-gaining more and more members-that it loses any capacity to make qualitative judgments.
5、Pinto says .'In particular both parties got enamored with unrealistically and quickly growing the homeownership rate.
6、Most visitors to London are enamored with the city.
7、Ren became enamored with Jessica's fiery spirit, and held her captive as his own personal guest.
8、The Romans were enamored with the smell of roses.
9、She quickly became enamored with folk performers like the Weavers, and was soon performing with Pete Seeger, a founding member of the Weavers who lived in the same building as the Travers family.
enamored with(意思翻译)
enamored with(相似词语短语)
1、enamored llc───搪瓷有限责任公司
2、enamored means───迷恋的方式
3、enamored book───上书
4、enamored definition───上釉定义
5、enamored define───搪瓷定义
6、enamored by───迷恋
8、enamored defined───搪瓷定义
9、enamored meaning───迷恋的意思
enamored with(双语使用场景)
1、Socrates sleeps by him during the war, becomes enamored with him and saves him on the battlefield.───在战争期间苏格拉底就睡在他的旁边,并在战场上救了他。
2、Unfortunately, he becomes so enamored with details that the result is like reading about Walt through a tea strainer.───不幸的是,他如此迷恋细节,结果使得读者像在过滤茶叶一样过滤着沃尔特迪斯尼。
3、Also, if you're as enamored with tree houses as we are, check out our list of 10 amazing tree house designs.───还有,如果你想我们一样迷恋这些小树屋,你可以去看看我们列出的10佳树屋设计哟。
4、Overly nice guys are too enamored with trying to get everyone involved.───滥好人都太执着于试图让每个人都参与进来。
5、"There's nothing salacious in them. They're 30-year-old letters written by a man enamored with a young lady. " Carroll said.───卡罗尔说:“信中没有任何低俗的内容,只是一个30岁的年轻人写给心上人的信。”
6、Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?───作为一个公司,它能这样专注于算法和结构研究,并且让用户来掌控吗?
7、Not everyone is as enamored with design as designers are. I know, I know.───并不是所有人都像设计师一样崇拜设计的,停!
8、Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?───一个公司,它能这样专注于算法和结构研究,并且让用户来掌控吗?
9、They're 30-year-old letters written by a man enamored with a young lady, " Carroll said. " There's nothing provocative in them.───卡罗尔说:“信中没有任何低俗的内容,只是一个30岁的年轻人写给心上人的信,也没有TiaoDou性的内容,只是小伙子写给心爱姑NiangDe浪漫情书。”
enamored with(英语使用场景)
1、I am especially enamored with the new Drivers Assistance Package.
2、Many Chinese have become more enamored with corporate executives than revolutionaries.
3、I'm not too enamored with the idea of spending a whole day with him.
4、It could become so enamored with quantity-gaining more and more members-that it loses any capacity to make qualitative judgments.
5、Pinto says .'In particular both parties got enamored with unrealistically and quickly growing the homeownership rate.
6、Most visitors to London are enamored with the city.
7、Ren became enamored with Jessica's fiery spirit, and held her captive as his own personal guest.
8、The Romans were enamored with the smell of roses.
9、She quickly became enamored with folk performers like the Weavers, and was soon performing with Pete Seeger, a founding member of the Weavers who lived in the same building as the Travers family.