1、"I was a young child and suffered a lot, " she said of her experience in Tokyo during the fire-bombing of 1945.───“我幼年时遭遇了很多不幸,”她说起1945年战争期间,在东京的经历。
2、Large companies suffered a lot during the recession.───经济衰退时,大公司受损失不小。
3、In the past, as a real estate developer, we had to get many government paperwork and our employees suffered a lot at it.───过去,我们作为一家房地产公司,要跑许多政府手续,我们的员工受了不少气,吃了不少苦。
4、Women who always think that they have suffered a lot.───总以为自己已经历尽沧桑的女人。
5、As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.───年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。
6、But her mother died when she was just 3 and she suffered a lot at the hands of her stepmother.───但是她的母亲在她3岁时过世了,她在继母那儿受了许多苦。
7、Huang Dongmei suffered a lot from her job seeking but she at last found a position in a fan factory her salary was about 2 000 Yuan a month.───经历了无数艰辛后,黄冬梅终于在一家风扇厂找到了工作,每月工资2000元左右。
8、Some have suffered a lot and others less.───有些人遭受很多,而另一些人却没有。
9、She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched.───她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关ShenYin着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。
suffered a lot(英语使用场景)
1、They suffered a lot under the invader's heel.
2、The kid suffered a lot at the hands of his stepfather.
3、She suffered a lot from morning sickness during her pregnancy.
4、He suffered a lot of pain in his short lifetime.
5、The author lead a luxurious life at his childhood, however, he suffered a lot from pulmonary disease and migrations due to wars, which made him suffering from loneliness and caducity at his early age.
6、And another one said, we know what our Master in the U. S. suffered a lot in order to retrieve earthling.
suffered a lot(意思翻译)
suffered a lot(相似词语短语)
1、a lot of───adj.许多的; 诸多
2、a lot───非常多; 成总儿;许多;大量
3、like a lot───就像很多
4、suffered a lot from───受了很多苦
5、practise a lot───多练习
6、thanks a lot───多谢
7、suck a lot───糟透了
9、a lot lestechniques───一系列技术
suffered a lot(双语使用场景)
1、"I was a young child and suffered a lot, " she said of her experience in Tokyo during the fire-bombing of 1945.───“我幼年时遭遇了很多不幸,”她说起1945年战争期间,在东京的经历。
2、Large companies suffered a lot during the recession.───经济衰退时,大公司受损失不小。
3、In the past, as a real estate developer, we had to get many government paperwork and our employees suffered a lot at it.───过去,我们作为一家房地产公司,要跑许多政府手续,我们的员工受了不少气,吃了不少苦。
4、Women who always think that they have suffered a lot.───总以为自己已经历尽沧桑的女人。
5、As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.───年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。
6、But her mother died when she was just 3 and she suffered a lot at the hands of her stepmother.───但是她的母亲在她3岁时过世了,她在继母那儿受了许多苦。
7、Huang Dongmei suffered a lot from her job seeking but she at last found a position in a fan factory her salary was about 2 000 Yuan a month.───经历了无数艰辛后,黄冬梅终于在一家风扇厂找到了工作,每月工资2000元左右。
8、Some have suffered a lot and others less.───有些人遭受很多,而另一些人却没有。
9、She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched.───她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关ShenYin着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。
suffered a lot(英语使用场景)
1、They suffered a lot under the invader's heel.
2、The kid suffered a lot at the hands of his stepfather.
3、She suffered a lot from morning sickness during her pregnancy.
4、He suffered a lot of pain in his short lifetime.
5、The author lead a luxurious life at his childhood, however, he suffered a lot from pulmonary disease and migrations due to wars, which made him suffering from loneliness and caducity at his early age.
6、And another one said, we know what our Master in the U. S. suffered a lot in order to retrieve earthling.