1、Here, at last, is the first fundamental cook book that tells Americans how.───书的诞生使我们终于有了第一本教授美国人法式烹饪原则的书。
2、I know I haven't been the greatest wife. I'm not a very good cook, I hate to clean and I'd prefer to spend Saturday in my jammies reading a good book.───我知道我以前不是一个好妻子,我不会做饭,我讨厌干家务、周六的时候我喜欢边吃东西边看一本好书,很显然这些使得他不高兴了。
3、I had been trying to cook eggs, as I had read in some book, by burying them in the earth under a fire of sticks.───我还试过煮鸡蛋——有本书说,把鸡蛋埋在土里,再点上一把火,就可以在洞里煮蛋了。
cook the book(意思翻译)
cook the book(相似词语短语)
2、cook the rice───煮米饭
3、cook the meal───做饭
4、cook together───一起做饭
5、cook me───给我做饭
6、the good book───好书
7、book the───预订
8、the cook───[电影]厨师
9、cook the books───做假帐;伪造或窜改财务报表,造假账
cook the book(双语使用场景)
1、Here, at last, is the first fundamental cook book that tells Americans how.───书的诞生使我们终于有了第一本教授美国人法式烹饪原则的书。
2、I know I haven't been the greatest wife. I'm not a very good cook, I hate to clean and I'd prefer to spend Saturday in my jammies reading a good book.───我知道我以前不是一个好妻子,我不会做饭,我讨厌干家务、周六的时候我喜欢边吃东西边看一本好书,很显然这些使得他不高兴了。
3、I had been trying to cook eggs, as I had read in some book, by burying them in the earth under a fire of sticks.───我还试过煮鸡蛋——有本书说,把鸡蛋埋在土里,再点上一把火,就可以在洞里煮蛋了。