1、to build up the strategy of suppliers by analyzing the purchase strategy of the lever balance and the purchase combination.───通过杠杆平衡采购战略分析和采购组合分析,来构建供应商战略。
2、Archimedes theorem and lever balance principle, we can calculate the buoyancy's variety of the balance objects. This variable just equals to the weight of the measured object.───浮力天平的测量是利用阿基米德定理,计算出配重物体受到的浮力,再通过杠杆平衡的原理得出配重物体浮力的变化即被测量物体的重量。
3、Nonmetal supports for lever balance───天平非金属支承件
4、Electronic scale weighing instrument, belonging to a, is the use of Hooke's law or the force of the lever balance principle to measure quality tools.───电子秤,属于衡器的一种,是利用胡克定律或力的杠杆平衡原理测定物体质量的工具。
5、He carefully examined the lever balance problem, find out the lever balance conditions.───他详细地研究了杠杆的平衡问题,找出了杠杆的平衡条件。
6、Three Methods of Solving Physics Problems on Lever Balance Skillfully───巧解杠杆平衡问题三法
lever balance(英语使用场景)
1、This paper tries to build up the strategy of suppliers by analyzing the purchase strategy of the lever balance and the purchase combination.
lever balance(意思翻译)
lever balance(相似词语短语)
1、lever file───杠杆锉
2、flexional lever───弯曲杠杆
3、your balance───你的余额
6、compensating balance───[金融]补偿性余额;补偿性存款额
7、actuating lever───起动杆,击发杠杆;[机]启动杆,执行杠杆;击发杠杆
8、clake lever───敲击杆
9、brake lever───制动杠杆;制动杆
lever balance(双语使用场景)
1、to build up the strategy of suppliers by analyzing the purchase strategy of the lever balance and the purchase combination.───通过杠杆平衡采购战略分析和采购组合分析,来构建供应商战略。
2、Archimedes theorem and lever balance principle, we can calculate the buoyancy's variety of the balance objects. This variable just equals to the weight of the measured object.───浮力天平的测量是利用阿基米德定理,计算出配重物体受到的浮力,再通过杠杆平衡的原理得出配重物体浮力的变化即被测量物体的重量。
3、Nonmetal supports for lever balance───天平非金属支承件
4、Electronic scale weighing instrument, belonging to a, is the use of Hooke's law or the force of the lever balance principle to measure quality tools.───电子秤,属于衡器的一种,是利用胡克定律或力的杠杆平衡原理测定物体质量的工具。
5、He carefully examined the lever balance problem, find out the lever balance conditions.───他详细地研究了杠杆的平衡问题,找出了杠杆的平衡条件。
6、Three Methods of Solving Physics Problems on Lever Balance Skillfully───巧解杠杆平衡问题三法
lever balance(英语使用场景)
1、This paper tries to build up the strategy of suppliers by analyzing the purchase strategy of the lever balance and the purchase combination.