1、Jonathan Alter reports in Newsweek that two leading party figures who are neutral in the race, Ted Kennedy and Rahm Emanuel, have told Mr Clinton to change his tone.───据Jonathan Alter在《新闻周刊》中的报道,在竞选中保持中立的两位党内LingDaoRenTed Kennedy和Rahm Emanuel曾经让克林顿先生改变他的论调。
jonathan clinton(意思翻译)
jonathan clinton(相似词语短语)
1、jonathan wild───n.强纳生·威德
2、jonathan ive───n.乔纳森·埃维
3、jonathan lee───[人名]李宗盛
4、bill clinton───n.比尔·克林顿(美国前总统);[人名]比尔·克林顿
6、jonathan cahn───乔纳森·卡恩
8、jonathan scott───乔纳森·斯科特
9、jonathan pevsner───乔纳森·佩斯纳
jonathan clinton(双语使用场景)
1、Jonathan Alter reports in Newsweek that two leading party figures who are neutral in the race, Ted Kennedy and Rahm Emanuel, have told Mr Clinton to change his tone.───据Jonathan Alter在《新闻周刊》中的报道,在竞选中保持中立的两位党内LingDaoRenTed Kennedy和Rahm Emanuel曾经让克林顿先生改变他的论调。