1、I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me.───当我妻子在我身后走进房间时,我正弯腰擦拭着厨房地板上的汁液,“看到你喜欢的东西了吗?”
2、I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me. See anything you like? I asked suggestively.───我正弯腰在厨房地板上檫污渍,这时我妻子进来站在我后面。“看到什么了吗?”我暗示。
3、It offers a safe playground for children and a long bending bench strategically placed facing the busiest area on the ground floor.───它为孩子们提供了一个安全的Cao场,在地下,朝向最繁忙的区域,放置了一个长的弯曲板凳。
bending floor(意思翻译)
bending floor(相似词语短语)
1、bending moment───[力]弯矩;[力]弯曲力矩;[力]挠矩;弯(曲)矩,挠矩
2、flexural bending───塑性弯曲
3、bending over───俯身;折转
4、anticlastic bending───抗塑性弯曲
5、mezzanine floor───阁楼
6、flatwise bending───平面弯曲
7、thatched floor───茅草地板
bending floor(双语使用场景)
1、I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me.───当我妻子在我身后走进房间时,我正弯腰擦拭着厨房地板上的汁液,“看到你喜欢的东西了吗?”
2、I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me. See anything you like? I asked suggestively.───我正弯腰在厨房地板上檫污渍,这时我妻子进来站在我后面。“看到什么了吗?”我暗示。
3、It offers a safe playground for children and a long bending bench strategically placed facing the busiest area on the ground floor.───它为孩子们提供了一个安全的Cao场,在地下,朝向最繁忙的区域,放置了一个长的弯曲板凳。