1、system selects a drone from those available in the area, flies it into position and sends back pictures with no need for human control.───XiTong会选出该地区可使用的无人机,无人机可以自行飞往目的地并送回图片,不再需要人为控制。
2、control system is one that relies on human discretion as a basic part of its process.───控制XiTong是把依靠人自身的判断力作为其控制过程中的基本部分。
3、equipped with the automated fly-by-wire system, which is designed to reduce human error by letting computers control many aspects of the flight.───装备了全自动的飞行线控XiTong,这是为了通过电脑控制飞机的多项飞行Cao作,减少人为的失误。
human control system(意思翻译)
human control system(相似词语短语)
1、intensely human───强烈的人性化
2、human dignity───人的尊严; 人格
3、control system───Cao纵XiTong; 控制设备; 控制XiTong; 控制制度;[自]控制XiTong
4、human lift───人举
5、executive control system───[计]执行控制XiTong
6、control───v.指挥; 控制; 限定; 限制; 阻止蔓延; 抑制;n.统治; 控制(力); 克制; 管理; 限制; 控制按钮; 检查站/人员; 对照标准;n.控制;管理;抑制;Cao纵装置;vt.控制;管理;抑制
7、human engineering───人体工程学;运行工程学;人事管理学;运行工程学 (Cao),人事管理学,人体工程学
9、human race───人类
human control system(双语使用场景)
1、system selects a drone from those available in the area, flies it into position and sends back pictures with no need for human control.───XiTong会选出该地区可使用的无人机,无人机可以自行飞往目的地并送回图片,不再需要人为控制。
2、control system is one that relies on human discretion as a basic part of its process.───控制XiTong是把依靠人自身的判断力作为其控制过程中的基本部分。
3、equipped with the automated fly-by-wire system, which is designed to reduce human error by letting computers control many aspects of the flight.───装备了全自动的飞行线控XiTong,这是为了通过电脑控制飞机的多项飞行Cao作,减少人为的失误。