1、I always considered myself to be weak in the English language and avoided it.───那时我总是觉得自己英语不好,所以逃避它。
2、This attack has not only embarrassed the army but has shown it to be weak in the face of US power.───这次袭击不光让军队感到尴尬,也暴露了它在面对美军实力时的弱点。
3、But an overconfident Lee thought that, having reinforced both flanks, Meade would be weak in the center.───但过于自信的李将军认为,米德为了加强侧翼的防守,必将会导致其中央地带防守空虚。
4、Mr Giuliani may be weak in the early-voting states, but he leads national polls of Republican voters, albeit increasingly narrowly.───朱利安尼先生在早期投票的几个州也许不怎么样,但是他在共和党内的得票是最多的,虽然这个优势越来越小。
5、be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.───就软弱,也不一定会导致中立的政策。
6、Giuliani may be weak in the early-voting states, but he leads national polls of Republican voters, albeit increasingly narrowly.───朱利安尼先生在早期投票的几个州也许不怎么样,但是他在共和党内的得票是最多的,虽然这个优势越来越小。
7、Growth also tends to be weak in the aftermath of financial crises.───而且,金融危机后的增长通常趋于疲弱。
8、Will we take steps to adjust hunters if they continue to be weak in Arenas?───如果猎人在竞技场继续萎靡的话,我们是否会对猎人做出逐步调整?
be weak in(英语使用场景)
1、You must be weak in the head if you think I'll agree to that.
2、The difficulty is that, however strong in outline, the characterization turns out to be weak in detail.
3、You must be weak in the head if you believe that.
be weak in(意思翻译)
be weak in(相似词语短语)
1、weak heart───心脏衰竭
2、weak verbs───变化规则的动词
3、be weak at───不擅长……
4、weak up───虚弱起来
5、eriwho weak───埃里克是谁
8、relatively weak───相对较弱
9、weak password───弱效通行码
be weak in(双语使用场景)
1、I always considered myself to be weak in the English language and avoided it.───那时我总是觉得自己英语不好,所以逃避它。
2、This attack has not only embarrassed the army but has shown it to be weak in the face of US power.───这次袭击不光让军队感到尴尬,也暴露了它在面对美军实力时的弱点。
3、But an overconfident Lee thought that, having reinforced both flanks, Meade would be weak in the center.───但过于自信的李将军认为,米德为了加强侧翼的防守,必将会导致其中央地带防守空虚。
4、Mr Giuliani may be weak in the early-voting states, but he leads national polls of Republican voters, albeit increasingly narrowly.───朱利安尼先生在早期投票的几个州也许不怎么样,但是他在共和党内的得票是最多的,虽然这个优势越来越小。
5、be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.───就软弱,也不一定会导致中立的政策。
6、Giuliani may be weak in the early-voting states, but he leads national polls of Republican voters, albeit increasingly narrowly.───朱利安尼先生在早期投票的几个州也许不怎么样,但是他在共和党内的得票是最多的,虽然这个优势越来越小。
7、Growth also tends to be weak in the aftermath of financial crises.───而且,金融危机后的增长通常趋于疲弱。
8、Will we take steps to adjust hunters if they continue to be weak in Arenas?───如果猎人在竞技场继续萎靡的话,我们是否会对猎人做出逐步调整?
be weak in(英语使用场景)
1、You must be weak in the head if you think I'll agree to that.
2、The difficulty is that, however strong in outline, the characterization turns out to be weak in detail.
3、You must be weak in the head if you believe that.