1、The CRC line operating unit shall publish in conspicuous places of stations the first and last running time of trains, notes of train's running state and directions on transfer.───轨道交通线路运营单位应当在车站醒目处公布首末班车行车时刻、列车运行状况提示和换乘指示。
2、Feelings there have been running high in the wake of last week's killing.───紧随上周ShaRen事件之后,那里已是群情激愤。
3、The ReceiveReviewFinishedNotification receive activity waits until the last running event handler instance sends a notification that indicates that all event handlers have been finished.───ReceiveReviewFinished Notification接收活动将一直等待,直到最后一个运行的事件处理程序实例发送通知来指示所有事件处理程序已完成为止。
last running(意思翻译)
last running(相似词语短语)
1、running through───跑着穿过;浏览;刺;挥霍
2、last last day───最后一天
3、running about───乱跑,到处跑
6、go running───去跑步
7、running bike───跑步自行车
8、backlighting running───背光灯运行
9、goes running───去跑步
last running(双语使用场景)
1、The CRC line operating unit shall publish in conspicuous places of stations the first and last running time of trains, notes of train's running state and directions on transfer.───轨道交通线路运营单位应当在车站醒目处公布首末班车行车时刻、列车运行状况提示和换乘指示。
2、Feelings there have been running high in the wake of last week's killing.───紧随上周ShaRen事件之后,那里已是群情激愤。
3、The ReceiveReviewFinishedNotification receive activity waits until the last running event handler instance sends a notification that indicates that all event handlers have been finished.───ReceiveReviewFinished Notification接收活动将一直等待,直到最后一个运行的事件处理程序实例发送通知来指示所有事件处理程序已完成为止。
last running(英语使用场景)
1、Perot threw his last running mate, retired Adm.