1、A member of the team, Raffaella Righetti of Texas A&M Engineering University, has therefore developed a portable ultrasonic scanner that can give instant three-dimensional images of a bone.───团队的一名成员,德克萨斯A&M工程大学的Raffaella Righetti已经开发了一种可携带的超声扫描器,可即时提供骨头的三维图像。
2、The mobile-phone, digital camera, personal digital assistant, portable scanner are all the embedded system applications.───我们生活中常用的手机、数码相机、掌上电脑、便携式扫描仪等等都应用到了嵌入式XiTong。
3、is not a time machine. It's a portable bone-density scanner. A medical device I sell for a living.───并不是时光机器,而是手提骨质密度扫描机,我赖以维生的医疗器材。
4、mobile-phone, digital camera, personal digital assistant, portable scanner are all the embedded system applications.───手机、数码相机、掌上电脑、便携式扫描仪等等都应用到了嵌入式XiTong。
5、The store employee would instantly reply, "Right here, " and whip out a portable scanner from a hip holster.───店内员工会立刻回到,“就在这里。”接着,从臀带中拿出一个便携式扫描器。
portable scanner(意思翻译)
portable scanner(相似词语短语)
1、bioplasm scanner───生物血浆扫描仪
3、portable computers───[计]便携式计算机
4、scanner sc───扫描仪sc
5、bourne scanner───伯恩扫描仪
6、portable computer───n.便携式计算机;[计]便携式计算机
7、portable devices───便携式设备
8、portable printer───便携式打印机
9、portable device───便携式设备
portable scanner(双语使用场景)
1、A member of the team, Raffaella Righetti of Texas A&M Engineering University, has therefore developed a portable ultrasonic scanner that can give instant three-dimensional images of a bone.───团队的一名成员,德克萨斯A&M工程大学的Raffaella Righetti已经开发了一种可携带的超声扫描器,可即时提供骨头的三维图像。
2、The mobile-phone, digital camera, personal digital assistant, portable scanner are all the embedded system applications.───我们生活中常用的手机、数码相机、掌上电脑、便携式扫描仪等等都应用到了嵌入式XiTong。
3、is not a time machine. It's a portable bone-density scanner. A medical device I sell for a living.───并不是时光机器,而是手提骨质密度扫描机,我赖以维生的医疗器材。
4、mobile-phone, digital camera, personal digital assistant, portable scanner are all the embedded system applications.───手机、数码相机、掌上电脑、便携式扫描仪等等都应用到了嵌入式XiTong。
5、The store employee would instantly reply, "Right here, " and whip out a portable scanner from a hip holster.───店内员工会立刻回到,“就在这里。”接着,从臀带中拿出一个便携式扫描器。