1、Her most famous adventure was taking part in the hunt for famous adventurer Roald Amundsen.───她最著名的冒险活动是参加寻找著名冒险家罗尔德·阿蒙森的活动。
2、Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, thought the statues had been created by pre-Inca peoples from Peru.───挪威民族志学者、冒险家托尔·海尔达尔认为,这些雕像是由来自秘鲁的前印加人创造的。
3、Hello young adventurer. I am an old woman who has no fire in her home, could you possibly help me light it up?───你好,年轻的冒险家,我一个家里没有火的的老女人,你可以帮我点上火吗?
4、He had an adventurer's turban on his head. He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip.───头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。
5、Herbert has helped many a young adventurer on his way, with crucial advice on equipment, mapping and contacts.───赫伯特给许多行将出发的年轻探险家予帮助,在器材、地图与联络方面出了不少至关重要的主意。
6、'In fact, ' Jules who wish to be a adventurer said, 'the best is I go to there again, to see it is save. '───“其实,”梦想当冒险家的朱勒说道,“最好是我在去那边一趟,看看那个地方是不是安全。”
7、From his injuries, they determined that the bold adventurer, who inspired5 generations of climbers, had fallen and hit his head.───从他的伤势判断,这名启发后代无数登山者的勇敢冒险家,应是失足撞到了头部。
8、Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.───每个人都以初恋般的强烈兴奋拥抱纽约,每个人都以冒险家的新鲜目光看着纽约,每个人都产生热量和光,使合并后的AiDi生公司相形见绌。
9、His great dream was to be a lover, an adventurer, you know. . .───他最大的梦想就是拥有一段轰轰烈烈的爱情,一次冒险…
1、Her most famous adventure was taking part in the hunt for famous adventurer Roald Amundsen.───她最著名的冒险活动是参加寻找著名冒险家罗尔德·阿蒙森的活动。
2、Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, thought the statues had been created by pre-Inca peoples from Peru.───挪威民族志学者、冒险家托尔·海尔达尔认为,这些雕像是由来自秘鲁的前印加人创造的。
3、Hello young adventurer. I am an old woman who has no fire in her home, could you possibly help me light it up?───你好,年轻的冒险家,我一个家里没有火的的老女人,你可以帮我点上火吗?
4、He had an adventurer's turban on his head. He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip.───头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。
5、Herbert has helped many a young adventurer on his way, with crucial advice on equipment, mapping and contacts.───赫伯特给许多行将出发的年轻探险家予帮助,在器材、地图与联络方面出了不少至关重要的主意。
6、'In fact, ' Jules who wish to be a adventurer said, 'the best is I go to there again, to see it is save. '───“其实,”梦想当冒险家的朱勒说道,“最好是我在去那边一趟,看看那个地方是不是安全。”
7、From his injuries, they determined that the bold adventurer, who inspired5 generations of climbers, had fallen and hit his head.───从他的伤势判断,这名启发后代无数登山者的勇敢冒险家,应是失足撞到了头部。
8、Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.───每个人都以初恋般的强烈兴奋拥抱纽约,每个人都以冒险家的新鲜目光看着纽约,每个人都产生热量和光,使合并后的AiDi生公司相形见绌。
9、His great dream was to be a lover, an adventurer, you know. . .───他最大的梦想就是拥有一段轰轰烈烈的爱情,一次冒险…