1、AAn adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually1one semester.───一名被聘用的副教授通常有1学期的教学限期。
2、AAn automated control to verify and ensure that only correct, valid digital signatures and completely signed PDF documents are available.───A验证,确保正确、有效的数字签名和完全签署PDF文件是可获取的一个自动控制。
3、Run netstat -Aan, where -A shows the address of any protocol control blocks associated with the sockets.───运行netstat-Aan,其中的-A显示与套接字相关联的任何协议控制块的DiZhi。
4、through me and always fool me. Aan I can't react.───在欺骗我。我不知道如何回应。
5、Run netstat -aan, where -a shows the address of any protocol control blocks associated with the sockets.───运行netstat - Aan,其中的- a显示与套接字相关联的任何协议控制块的DiZhi。
6、Thus, 'aan' produces 'eun' with the an and ax rules.───因此,通过使用an和ax规则,“aan”会产生“eun”。
7、Objective To probe into the clinicopathological features of AAN.───目的探讨马兜铃酸肾病的临床病理特点。
8、MAS, which stands for Museum aan de Stroom—Stroom means “river” in Dutch;───MAS代表河畔博物馆 (Stroom);
9、A MOB attacked Alexander Aan even before an Indonesian court in June jailed him for two and a half years for "inciting religious hatred"───一名BaoTu迫不及待地袭击了AlexanderAan,即便之后印度尼西亚法庭也以“煽动宗教仇恨”的罪名判处了他两年半的监禁。
1、Ook voegt HTC eigen gratis widgets aan de Android Market coals Parkingtimer, Translator en een ringtone - widget.
2、Sometimes she is grouchy, but all in all she is aan excellent teacher.
3、The Vatican Museums also exhibit objects from aan ancient land called Etruria.
4、Miffy was created in 1955 after Bruna had been telling his one-year-old son stories about a little rabbit they had seen earlier in the dunes, while on holiday at Egmond aan Zee.
5、Hij was een reportage aan het draaien in het district Shangqiu over aids in China.
6、And words fall through me and always fool me Aan i can't react.
1、the un is aan───LianHeGuo是一个
2、folios aan───衬托
1、AAn adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually1one semester.───一名被聘用的副教授通常有1学期的教学限期。
2、AAn automated control to verify and ensure that only correct, valid digital signatures and completely signed PDF documents are available.───A验证,确保正确、有效的数字签名和完全签署PDF文件是可获取的一个自动控制。
3、Run netstat -Aan, where -A shows the address of any protocol control blocks associated with the sockets.───运行netstat-Aan,其中的-A显示与套接字相关联的任何协议控制块的DiZhi。
4、through me and always fool me. Aan I can't react.───在欺骗我。我不知道如何回应。
5、Run netstat -aan, where -a shows the address of any protocol control blocks associated with the sockets.───运行netstat - Aan,其中的- a显示与套接字相关联的任何协议控制块的DiZhi。
6、Thus, 'aan' produces 'eun' with the an and ax rules.───因此,通过使用an和ax规则,“aan”会产生“eun”。
7、Objective To probe into the clinicopathological features of AAN.───目的探讨马兜铃酸肾病的临床病理特点。
8、MAS, which stands for Museum aan de Stroom—Stroom means “river” in Dutch;───MAS代表河畔博物馆 (Stroom);
9、A MOB attacked Alexander Aan even before an Indonesian court in June jailed him for two and a half years for "inciting religious hatred"───一名BaoTu迫不及待地袭击了AlexanderAan,即便之后印度尼西亚法庭也以“煽动宗教仇恨”的罪名判处了他两年半的监禁。
1、Ook voegt HTC eigen gratis widgets aan de Android Market coals Parkingtimer, Translator en een ringtone - widget.
2、Sometimes she is grouchy, but all in all she is aan excellent teacher.
3、The Vatican Museums also exhibit objects from aan ancient land called Etruria.
4、Miffy was created in 1955 after Bruna had been telling his one-year-old son stories about a little rabbit they had seen earlier in the dunes, while on holiday at Egmond aan Zee.
5、Hij was een reportage aan het draaien in het district Shangqiu over aids in China.
6、And words fall through me and always fool me Aan i can't react.