1、I'm still thinking about his words, and they've changed my life.───我现在仍然在想着他说的话,这改变了我的生活。
2、other words, Descartes is still thinking along these same lines.───句换说,笛卡尔也在思考同样的问题。
3、So even though I'm not trying to think thoughts about smoking, I'm still thinking them.───所以,即使我尽量不去想吸烟的事情,但实际上我仍在想。
4、You are still thinking about a Ph.D., aren't you?───你还是想学成博士,是吗?
5、Eventually, Suzuki caved in, called a news conference and said the equivalent of, "No comment. We're still thinking about it. "───铃木最终屈服了,召开了记者招待会,说了诸如“不予评论。我们正在考虑此事”之类的话。
6、And a week later, the first monthly exam still thinking about last week's incident, but also for the midterm and the next review of the.───又是一个星期过去了,上星期还在想着第一次月考的事,接下来又要为期中考而复习了。
7、One female there often talk about me with her indian teacher and tell him 'Manu was my first Yoga teacher, and still thinking about him. . .───一位女士经常向她的印度教练谈到“曼奴是我的第一个瑜伽教练,至今都会经常想起他…”
8、"I'm still thinking about that, " she said. "But I'm trying not to let bad things happen on my watch. "───“我还没想好。”她说,“但我将尽我所能不让不幸发生在我眼前。”
9、Morning came and I sat for another written exam for a third company, still thinking about what I had happened yesterday.───早晨当我又参加一家共识的应聘笔试时,我止不住想到昨天发生的一切。
still thinking(英语使用场景)
1、They were still thinking of the kingdom in materialistic terms.
2、Modern classwork is still thinking that it is the volume of information you put in your head that will give you an advantage.
3、To her annoyance, she was still thinking about the wretched man when lunchtime came and went.
4、Aunt Nellie ran to the telephone, but Jenny stood still, thinking hard.
5、She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said: Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania?
6、Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.
7、She's still thinking about her next move .
8、You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.
9、I was still thinking about that, wondering what it really meant.
still thinking(意思翻译)
still thinking(相似词语短语)
2、still───n.寂静;剧照;蒸馏室;conj.仍然;但是;尽管如此;adj.静止的,不动的;寂静的,平静的;不起泡的;adv.仍然;更;静止地;vi.静止;平静;蒸馏;n. (Still)(英、芬、瑞典)斯蒂尔;(德)施蒂尔(人名);vt.蒸馏;使……静止;使……平静下来
3、still there───还在那儿吗
4、analytical thinking───分析思维
5、critical thinking───批判性思维,批判性的思考;批判思考能力,判断思维
6、cosmological thinking───宇宙思维
7、still live───还活着吗
8、confabulating thinking───对话式思维
9、design thinking───设计思维;设计思路
still thinking(双语使用场景)
1、I'm still thinking about his words, and they've changed my life.───我现在仍然在想着他说的话,这改变了我的生活。
2、other words, Descartes is still thinking along these same lines.───句换说,笛卡尔也在思考同样的问题。
3、So even though I'm not trying to think thoughts about smoking, I'm still thinking them.───所以,即使我尽量不去想吸烟的事情,但实际上我仍在想。
4、You are still thinking about a Ph.D., aren't you?───你还是想学成博士,是吗?
5、Eventually, Suzuki caved in, called a news conference and said the equivalent of, "No comment. We're still thinking about it. "───铃木最终屈服了,召开了记者招待会,说了诸如“不予评论。我们正在考虑此事”之类的话。
6、And a week later, the first monthly exam still thinking about last week's incident, but also for the midterm and the next review of the.───又是一个星期过去了,上星期还在想着第一次月考的事,接下来又要为期中考而复习了。
7、One female there often talk about me with her indian teacher and tell him 'Manu was my first Yoga teacher, and still thinking about him. . .───一位女士经常向她的印度教练谈到“曼奴是我的第一个瑜伽教练,至今都会经常想起他…”
8、"I'm still thinking about that, " she said. "But I'm trying not to let bad things happen on my watch. "───“我还没想好。”她说,“但我将尽我所能不让不幸发生在我眼前。”
9、Morning came and I sat for another written exam for a third company, still thinking about what I had happened yesterday.───早晨当我又参加一家共识的应聘笔试时,我止不住想到昨天发生的一切。
still thinking(英语使用场景)
1、They were still thinking of the kingdom in materialistic terms.
2、Modern classwork is still thinking that it is the volume of information you put in your head that will give you an advantage.
3、To her annoyance, she was still thinking about the wretched man when lunchtime came and went.
4、Aunt Nellie ran to the telephone, but Jenny stood still, thinking hard.
5、She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said: Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania?
6、Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.
7、She's still thinking about her next move .
8、You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.
9、I was still thinking about that, wondering what it really meant.