1、Being a good friend does not mean being a doormat.───成为别人的好朋友并不等于可以任人践踏。
2、So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth.───所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。
3、IN MUSLIM countries, a conservative head-covering does not always mean being conservative in other ways.───在MuSiLin国家,传统蒙头装不一定意味着在其它方面保守。
4、By my understanding, learning a language well would mean being able to speak the language in a proper way.───按照我的理解,学好一门语言意味着能够妥当地使用它。
5、These adjectives are compared as they mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground.───这些形容词在它们表达与水平面成或者几乎成直角时才互相比较。
6、Camping in cold weather doesn't have to mean being cold all day. Prepare the night before to get your body toasty fast in the morning.───寒冷的天气在野外露营并不意味着一整天都非常寒冷。提前一晚做好准备,第二天早上让身体迅速温暖起来。
7、Looking at it in another light, does contentment mean being satisfied with less than our best efforts at something?───从另一个角度看,知足是否指我们满足于未尽全力的事情?
8、Being alone doesn't mean being lonely.───独处并不意味着孤独。
9、It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.───它可以意味着善良和乐于助人,甚至试图取悦你的上级,然后期待某些回报。
mean being(英语使用场景)
1、To live high does not mean being high in one's qualities.
2、A two, a failing grade, would mean being kept back a year, to study with smaller children.
3、Respecting the audiences doesn't mean being sequacious to the audiences. In fact, the relationship between the interior designers and the popular is dialectical and unitive.
4、Being exceptionally bright does not necessarily mean being successful: For instance, most members of the Mensa society for people with high IQs remain unexceptional.
5、Acting with compassion can also mean being patient and responding in a nonaggressive way, even when you are being provoked.
6、I mean, being a bard is pretty silly.
7、These adjectives mean being or resulting from one's free will.
8、Does being brave mean being strong or overcoming our fears?
9、Being poor, she knew from experience, did not necessarily mean being without taste.
mean being(意思翻译)
mean being(相似词语短语)
2、being followed───被跟踪
3、being repaired───正在被维修(being是be的现在分词)
4、being ignored───被忽视
5、innermost being───心尖;心曲;心底
6、being alone───独处;孤独;孤单一人
7、being proud───骄傲
8、being mortal───凡人
9、being rejected───被拒绝
mean being(双语使用场景)
1、Being a good friend does not mean being a doormat.───成为别人的好朋友并不等于可以任人践踏。
2、So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth.───所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。
3、IN MUSLIM countries, a conservative head-covering does not always mean being conservative in other ways.───在MuSiLin国家,传统蒙头装不一定意味着在其它方面保守。
4、By my understanding, learning a language well would mean being able to speak the language in a proper way.───按照我的理解,学好一门语言意味着能够妥当地使用它。
5、These adjectives are compared as they mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground.───这些形容词在它们表达与水平面成或者几乎成直角时才互相比较。
6、Camping in cold weather doesn't have to mean being cold all day. Prepare the night before to get your body toasty fast in the morning.───寒冷的天气在野外露营并不意味着一整天都非常寒冷。提前一晚做好准备,第二天早上让身体迅速温暖起来。
7、Looking at it in another light, does contentment mean being satisfied with less than our best efforts at something?───从另一个角度看,知足是否指我们满足于未尽全力的事情?
8、Being alone doesn't mean being lonely.───独处并不意味着孤独。
9、It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.───它可以意味着善良和乐于助人,甚至试图取悦你的上级,然后期待某些回报。
mean being(英语使用场景)
1、To live high does not mean being high in one's qualities.
2、A two, a failing grade, would mean being kept back a year, to study with smaller children.
3、Respecting the audiences doesn't mean being sequacious to the audiences. In fact, the relationship between the interior designers and the popular is dialectical and unitive.
4、Being exceptionally bright does not necessarily mean being successful: For instance, most members of the Mensa society for people with high IQs remain unexceptional.
5、Acting with compassion can also mean being patient and responding in a nonaggressive way, even when you are being provoked.
6、I mean, being a bard is pretty silly.
7、These adjectives mean being or resulting from one's free will.
8、Does being brave mean being strong or overcoming our fears?
9、Being poor, she knew from experience, did not necessarily mean being without taste.