1、Long-term agricultural irrigation treatment of waste mash from sugarcane would easily result in soil hardening.───长期采用农灌法处理甘蔗废醪液易使土壤板结;
2、Results showed that there were a big root-canopy ratio and dry weight when the lower limit of controlled soil water content decreased at the same irrigation treatment.───研究结果表明:在同一灌水方式中土壤含水率下限小的冬小麦根冠比大,且根系总的干重也大;
3、The disposable bladder irrigator is mainly used for bladder irrigation treatment of patients.───本实用新型主要用于病人膀胱的冲洗治疗。
4、Irrigation treatment facility like Industrial water, cooling water, agricultural water etc.───用于工业用水、冷却水、农田用水等给水处理工程。
5、The effects of deficit irrigation treatment, deficit irrigation and high density treatment on the yields, fruit properties of tomato were carried out.───研究了亏缺灌溉加密栽培、亏缺灌溉正常密度栽培对番茄产量形成和果实品质的影响。
6、abstract: Objective To study the effect of anterior chamber irrigation treatment for suppurative corneal ulcers.───目的探讨前房冲洗治疗化脓性角膜溃疡的疗效。
irrigation treatment(英语使用场景)
1、Irrigation treatment facility like Industrial water, cooling water, agricultural water etc.
2、The disposable bladder irrigator is mainly used for bladder irrigation treatment of patients.
irrigation treatment(意思翻译)
irrigation treatment(相似词语短语)
1、nasal irrigation───鼻冲洗
3、furrow irrigation───[农工]沟灌,畦灌;畦沟灌溉
4、irrigation project───灌溉工程,灌溉计划
5、drip irrigation───[农工]滴灌;滴流灌溉
7、irrigation channels───[农工]灌溉渠,灌渠;进水渠道
8、irrigation science───灌溉学
9、irrigation pipe───灌溉管,灌溉水管;灌溉管道
irrigation treatment(双语使用场景)
1、Long-term agricultural irrigation treatment of waste mash from sugarcane would easily result in soil hardening.───长期采用农灌法处理甘蔗废醪液易使土壤板结;
2、Results showed that there were a big root-canopy ratio and dry weight when the lower limit of controlled soil water content decreased at the same irrigation treatment.───研究结果表明:在同一灌水方式中土壤含水率下限小的冬小麦根冠比大,且根系总的干重也大;
3、The disposable bladder irrigator is mainly used for bladder irrigation treatment of patients.───本实用新型主要用于病人膀胱的冲洗治疗。
4、Irrigation treatment facility like Industrial water, cooling water, agricultural water etc.───用于工业用水、冷却水、农田用水等给水处理工程。
5、The effects of deficit irrigation treatment, deficit irrigation and high density treatment on the yields, fruit properties of tomato were carried out.───研究了亏缺灌溉加密栽培、亏缺灌溉正常密度栽培对番茄产量形成和果实品质的影响。
6、abstract: Objective To study the effect of anterior chamber irrigation treatment for suppurative corneal ulcers.───目的探讨前房冲洗治疗化脓性角膜溃疡的疗效。
irrigation treatment(英语使用场景)
1、Irrigation treatment facility like Industrial water, cooling water, agricultural water etc.
2、The disposable bladder irrigator is mainly used for bladder irrigation treatment of patients.