1、The gnarble almost made it to the surface of the sea, But the plink chomped down and swallow ed him as if he were a pea.───就在纳伯快要接触到海面的那一刻,普林克鱼一个俯身下来,如同吞下个豌豆般将他咽了下去。
2、Sophie chomped at cake she was not really tasting. "But what made you want to do this? "───苏菲机械地咬着蛋糕,其实并没有真正尝到味道。“但是是什么让你想这么做的?”
3、I chomped hungrily through the large steak.───我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。
4、Then the participants closed their eyes and chomped on snack foods like Pringles and cookies.───然后叫他们闭上眼睛,吃一些诸如薯片和饼干之类的零食。
5、He chomped his way through two hot dogs.───他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。
6、Stan sat back in his seat at the far end of the conference room table and chomped on his cigar.───斯坦坐在会议桌的另一端,大口抽着他的雪茄烟。
1、Six-foot-seven Paul Volcker chomped on a huge stogie and dominated a room.
2、When Edmontosaurus chomped down, its top teeth would splay outward, sliding across the bottom teeth and grinding up its leafy meals, suggests a new study.
3、First the ugly lumpy larvae, the precision closeups showing its undershot jaw as it chomped its way through its subaqueous world.
1、wayside school show───路旁学校表演
2、interrogating a psychopath───审问精神病患者
3、school smart───学校聪明
4、adhesively attached spindle-type anchors───附着式轴式锚
5、refined scholar───雅士
6、estancia lapacho───拉帕乔
7、first school education───第一学校教育
8、aerometric anchorage───气压锚具
9、anchoring epoxy───锚固环氧树脂
10、intervention in psychology───心理干预
1、The gnarble almost made it to the surface of the sea, But the plink chomped down and swallow ed him as if he were a pea.───就在纳伯快要接触到海面的那一刻,普林克鱼一个俯身下来,如同吞下个豌豆般将他咽了下去。
2、Sophie chomped at cake she was not really tasting. "But what made you want to do this? "───苏菲机械地咬着蛋糕,其实并没有真正尝到味道。“但是是什么让你想这么做的?”
3、I chomped hungrily through the large steak.───我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。
4、Then the participants closed their eyes and chomped on snack foods like Pringles and cookies.───然后叫他们闭上眼睛,吃一些诸如薯片和饼干之类的零食。
5、He chomped his way through two hot dogs.───他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。
6、Stan sat back in his seat at the far end of the conference room table and chomped on his cigar.───斯坦坐在会议桌的另一端,大口抽着他的雪茄烟。
1、Six-foot-seven Paul Volcker chomped on a huge stogie and dominated a room.
2、When Edmontosaurus chomped down, its top teeth would splay outward, sliding across the bottom teeth and grinding up its leafy meals, suggests a new study.
3、First the ugly lumpy larvae, the precision closeups showing its undershot jaw as it chomped its way through its subaqueous world.
4、He chomped his way through two hot dogs.
5、Nick noisily chomped on his gum.