1、Fact is often stanger than fiction.───事实常常比小说更离奇。
2、Don`t call me, even if you do that, I also regard you as a stanger.───不要再给我打电话,即使你打过来,我也把你当作陌生人。这句漏掉翻译了
3、As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man.───作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂·斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。
4、and beg for something called "short ends. " But times have changed, as Alex Stanger now reports.───并乞求叫做“劣势”的东西。但时代已经不同,就像阿历克斯•斯坦格现在报道的那样。
5、When it comes to fashion, boho is a no-no, as Ms Stanger believes clothes should be fitted.───谈到时尚,波西米亚风也是禁忌,斯坦格认为衣着还是合身的好。
6、you just a stanger in my world .───妳只是俄世界中的一个过路人。
7、However, the same of the two persons can say "I feel that you become more and more stanger" when they say good-bye to each other.───然而,相同的两个人,在分手时去说,我觉得你越来越陌生。
8、I am a stanger to the way of life.───我不习惯这种生活方式。
9、That year, that day, our stanger.───那一年、那一天,我们陌路。
1、No one impressed more than the 21-year-old Hawick wing Tony Stanger whose hat-trick of tries boosted his tally to five in two internationals.
1、eustachian tube blockage───咽鼓管阻塞
2、hindustan epaper───印度斯坦艾帕
3、standing down───退出(比赛或竞选);离开证人席;退职;顺潮航行
4、slave states───蓄奴州
5、estancia lapacho───拉帕乔
6、startles crossword clue───惊动纵横字谜线索
7、package installer───包安装程序
8、billy crystal───[人名]比利克里斯托
9、starlings images───椋鸟图片
10、substantively legal───实质上合法的
1、Fact is often stanger than fiction.───事实常常比小说更离奇。
2、Don`t call me, even if you do that, I also regard you as a stanger.───不要再给我打电话,即使你打过来,我也把你当作陌生人。这句漏掉翻译了
3、As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man.───作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂·斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。
4、and beg for something called "short ends. " But times have changed, as Alex Stanger now reports.───并乞求叫做“劣势”的东西。但时代已经不同,就像阿历克斯•斯坦格现在报道的那样。
5、When it comes to fashion, boho is a no-no, as Ms Stanger believes clothes should be fitted.───谈到时尚,波西米亚风也是禁忌,斯坦格认为衣着还是合身的好。
6、you just a stanger in my world .───妳只是俄世界中的一个过路人。
7、However, the same of the two persons can say "I feel that you become more and more stanger" when they say good-bye to each other.───然而,相同的两个人,在分手时去说,我觉得你越来越陌生。
8、I am a stanger to the way of life.───我不习惯这种生活方式。
9、That year, that day, our stanger.───那一年、那一天,我们陌路。
1、No one impressed more than the 21-year-old Hawick wing Tony Stanger whose hat-trick of tries boosted his tally to five in two internationals.