1、To achieve a successful social software rollout, a clear adoption strategy and compelling use cases are critical.───为了实现成功的社交软件推广,清晰的战略和富有吸引力的用例是至关重要的。
2、How do you know whether the costs of what you plan to do are compelling, realistic, or worth the effort if you're unclear as to the goal? And how do you craft a strategy to get out?───你的计划和目标模糊,对其成果和代价,是现实还是令人信服,只能是一塌糊涂,又谈何制定策略去实施?
3、A compelling IT strategy should demonstrate your hold on everything that's going on in IT.───一套令人信服的IT战略应当能将你掌控了IT所发生的一切展示出来。
compelling strategy(意思翻译)
compelling strategy(相似词语短语)
1、compelling argument───很有说服力的论据;令人信服的论据
2、compelling cases───引人注目的案件
3、compelling meaning───引人注目的意义
4、intuitively compelling───在直觉上很有说服力
6、compelling event───引人注目的事件
8、compelling facts───令人信服的事实
9、compelling definition───令人信服的定义
compelling strategy(双语使用场景)
1、To achieve a successful social software rollout, a clear adoption strategy and compelling use cases are critical.───为了实现成功的社交软件推广,清晰的战略和富有吸引力的用例是至关重要的。
2、How do you know whether the costs of what you plan to do are compelling, realistic, or worth the effort if you're unclear as to the goal? And how do you craft a strategy to get out?───你的计划和目标模糊,对其成果和代价,是现实还是令人信服,只能是一塌糊涂,又谈何制定策略去实施?
3、A compelling IT strategy should demonstrate your hold on everything that's going on in IT.───一套令人信服的IT战略应当能将你掌控了IT所发生的一切展示出来。