1、Analysis of outbreak and control strategy of cotton red (yellow) leaf wilt in Xingzi County in 2004───2004年星子县棉花红(黄)叶枯病大发生原因调查分析与防治对策
2、Occurrence of cotton red leaves and stem wilting and its control measures───南阳棉花红叶茎枯病的发生与防治措施
3、They looked out across the endless acres of Gerald o 'hara's newly plowed cotton fields toward the red horizon.───他们都朝远方望去,越过奥哈拉家无边无际的新翻耕的棉花地,直到红红的地平线上。
4、There were two cotton red vest, four bib and socks.───有两件红色的棉马夹,四个围嘴,还有好几双袜子。
5、Occurs reason and countermeasure of cotton red(yellow)leaves wilt───棉花红(黄)叶枯病的发生原因与对策探析
6、Band New IKS Nonskid Cotton Red Mattress───红色条纹防滑床垫
7、Explore of how to control cotton red and yellow leaves withered disease by manuring potash fertilizer───增施钾肥对棉花红黄叶枯病控制作用的观察
8、When the dawn mist is scattered, the field is paved with golden corn, cloud-like cotton, green pea, and red pepper.───当太阳驱散了黎明的薄雾。田野里满是金黄的玉米,云朵般的棉花,绿的豌豆,红的辣椒。
cotton red(意思翻译)
cotton red(相似词语短语)
1、pure cotton───纯棉
2、red red───红色-红色
3、better cotton───更好的棉花
5、cotton tissue───棉质纸巾
6、white cotton───白棉花
7、defoliated cotton───落叶棉
8、cotton breeze───棉质微风
9、cotton sheet───棉床单
cotton red(双语使用场景)
1、Analysis of outbreak and control strategy of cotton red (yellow) leaf wilt in Xingzi County in 2004───2004年星子县棉花红(黄)叶枯病大发生原因调查分析与防治对策
2、Occurrence of cotton red leaves and stem wilting and its control measures───南阳棉花红叶茎枯病的发生与防治措施
3、They looked out across the endless acres of Gerald o 'hara's newly plowed cotton fields toward the red horizon.───他们都朝远方望去,越过奥哈拉家无边无际的新翻耕的棉花地,直到红红的地平线上。
4、There were two cotton red vest, four bib and socks.───有两件红色的棉马夹,四个围嘴,还有好几双袜子。
5、Occurs reason and countermeasure of cotton red(yellow)leaves wilt───棉花红(黄)叶枯病的发生原因与对策探析
6、Band New IKS Nonskid Cotton Red Mattress───红色条纹防滑床垫
7、Explore of how to control cotton red and yellow leaves withered disease by manuring potash fertilizer───增施钾肥对棉花红黄叶枯病控制作用的观察
8、When the dawn mist is scattered, the field is paved with golden corn, cloud-like cotton, green pea, and red pepper.───当太阳驱散了黎明的薄雾。田野里满是金黄的玉米,云朵般的棉花,绿的豌豆,红的辣椒。